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Published on 14 Aug, 2024
Updated on 27 Dec, 2024
7 min Read
Written by Riya Lohia
Muscle pain, also referred to as myalgia, is a sign that you are suffering from the effects of an injury or an infection, a disease or any other problem related to your health. Body pain may be in the form of deep and steady aches in specific areas of your body or may manifest as sharp pains in random parts of your body at irregular intervals. Muscle pain is a varying experience for different people and can make even your daily activities difficult and painful. Muscle spasm may strike anyone, regardless of age and gender. Starting with new physical activity or switching your exercise routine may cause muscle cramps and muscle spasm which may start 6 to 12 hours after your workout. This muscle stiffness may last up to 48 hours. This sort of myalgia is called delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Let’s know in detail about what causes muscle pain, its symptoms and how to cure it.
Body pain causes or the causes of muscle pain may be due to many reasons. Some of the common causes are as follows:
There are certain situations under which your body’s immune system mistakes certain symptoms and ends up attacking itself. Such situations are referred to as autoimmune diseases. The role of the healthy immune system is to fight infections and germs attacking your body.
Autoimmune diseases that attack your body and end up causing muscle pain include the following:
Infections caused by viruses and bacteria can cause you to suffer from aches all over your body. Depending on the cause of the infection, you may also additionally suffer from fever, nausea and swelling in your lymph nodes.
The infections which usually cause muscle pain are as follows:
Muscle injuries are caused by overuse of the same muscles or muscle groups while doing physically intensive work or while exercising. You may suffer from pain in your back muscles or may experience leg cramps as a result of over-exertion of your muscles.
The following types of injuries may also lead to muscle pain:
The side effects of certain therapies and medications may result in temporary and chronic pain, caused by a condition called myositis where the muscle cells suffer from inflammation or due to the activation of the pain receptors in your muscles. Such treatments include the following:
Disorders of the neuromuscular system cause your muscles and the nerves controlling them to dysfunction resulting in pain and weakness in your muscles. Some of the conditions causing such disorders are:
There are other conditions that cause muscle pain such as:
The following are the symptoms that you will notice if you are suffering from muscle pain:
In case you are suffering from muscle pain which has not been obviously caused by some physical activity or particular physical exercise, or if you are suffering from chronic or severe muscle pain, you need to consult your physician.
You may need to take certain tests including:
Muscle pain may be treated in two ways:
Home therapy involves treating temporary muscle pain usually by taking rest, stretching the affected areas or taking over-the-counter medication to relieve you of the pain. The most common ways of dealing with pain are:
The aim of home therapy is to manage and reduce your temporary muscle pain to facilitate a swift recovery. However, in spite of these measures, if you find that your pain is persisting or increasing in intensity, then you need to seek professional medical care.
A physician will require you to undergo the tests we have already discussed previously to be able to diagnose the cause of your muscle pain. Apart from specialised medicines, your physician may recommend sessions with a physical therapist or physiotherapist to help you with gentle stretches to reduce your pain. Depending on the probable cause of your muscle pain, your physician may also refer you to a rheumatologist, an orthopaedist or a specialist in neurology or neuromuscular conditions.
In case you find yourself suffering from the following conditions, you should seek immediate medical aid:
Muscle pains are quite common and most of us will feel them every now and then. Temporary muscle pains may be reduced and may go away with home remedies. However severe and chronic and worsening pains reduce our ability to do things in our daily life. It is essential to seek professional medical assistance in the latter case.
Additionally, don’t hesitate to invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan as early as possible to remain financially stress-free during a medical emergency. Care Health Insurance offers a number of plans that are made for the people from all walks of life catering to their various health insurance needs. All you need to do is to visit our official website, navigate through these plans and choose the one that rightly fit in your requirements.
>> Also Read: Back Pain: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. For more details about the health insurance plans and their benefits please refer to the sales prospectus, policy terms, and conditions.
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