Care Insurance
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The threat of communicable diseases in India is high for obvious reasons like poor sanitation, poor hygiene and lack of clean drinking water. Statistics show that about 1.2 billion people are vulnerable to falling sick due to communicable diseases in India. However, many cases usually go unreported, and infection is not diagnosed until it becomes symptomatic. Though mortality from infectious diseases is decreasing in India, it is a significant part of the nation's disease burden.

Read on to learn about India's 7 most communicable diseases and their causes.

What are Communicable Diseases?

The term "communicable diseases" refers to ailments that spread among people by coming in contact with bodily fluids, breathing in airborne viruses and insect bites. People in developing nations are often found to be affected by these diseases because of a lack of appropriate hygiene habits and an improper healthcare system.

Here are the 7 most common diseases in india that you should be cautious of-

1. Covid-19


The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the cause of the recently identified airborne illness known as COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus disease. A COVID-19 infection causes mild to severe respiratory sickness, but the patient can recover with a timely diagnosis and the proper treatment. When a person with the coronavirus exhales, sneezes, or coughs, airborne droplets float and spread the virus among people.

Additionally, hospitalisation costs to treat this condition might be quite costly in cases of comorbidity. Therefore, getting a health insurance policy that includes coverage for COVID-19 treatment expenses is advised and provides assistance in these trying times.

2. Malaria


One of the most prevalent and fatal infectious illnesses, Malaria, is caused due to plasmodium parasite. An infected mosquito bite that enters a healthy human body spreads this parasite causing common symptoms like chills and a very high temperature.

Children under the age of 5 frequently contract Malaria, and hospitalisation could be necessary for extreme situations, even if your doctor may prescribe medication to manage this condition. Consequently, getting health insurance that covers communicable diseases like Malaria is essential so that you don't shell out your savings while paying hospital bills.

3. Typhoid


Typhoid is a bacterial infection that spreads throughout the body and harms many organs. It can lead to significant problems and even be deadly if not diagnosed in time. Salmonella typhi, a bacterium similar to those that cause food poisoning called Salmonella, is one of the major causes of this virus.

The typhoid virus is highly contagious as an infected person can spread the germs from their body through their faeces or, less frequently, through their urine. In regions with inadequate sanitation and insufficient access to clean water, typhoid fever is most prevalent.

4. Tuberculosis


A potentially infectious and deadly illness that attacks the lungs is Tuberculosis (TB). One can contract TB from one another by coughing or sneezing tiny droplets of germs into the air.

Most medications used to treat TB don't work on many forms of the illness. For months, people with active TB must take various drugs to treat the infection and stop the development of antibiotic resistance. In addition, Tuberculosis also affects the kidneys, spine, brain, and other body organs. Tuberculosis (TB) symptoms and indicators depend on the organs affected. For instance, TB in the kidneys might result in blood in the urine, while Tuberculosis in the spine can result in back discomfort.

5. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)


The virus known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks the immune system of the body. AIDS can develop from HIV if it is not treated or diagnosed in time. There isn't a remedy that works right now. People who get HIV are permanently infected. However, HIV can be managed with the right medical attention. People with HIV can live long, healthy lives and safeguard their relationships if they get timely and proper treatment.

According to studies, the human-chimpanzee transmission of HIV may have begun as early as the late 1800s. A particular kind of chimpanzee in Central Africa is where humans first contracted HIV. The virus that affects chimpanzees is known as the simian immunodeficiency virus. When people came in to hunt these chimps for meat, they most likely transferred it to humans.

6. Hepatitis


Hepatitis is liver inflammation, and swelling caused when bodily tissues are harmed or infected. It can potentially harm your liver as the swelling might damage your liver's function if not treated in time. It can either be an acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) infection. Some strains of hepatitis only produce acute illnesses. Other kinds are capable of causing both acute and chronic infections.

Hepatitis A and E are often spread by contact with contaminated food or water from an infected person. Hepatitis E can also be contracted by eating raw or undercooked pig, deer, or seafood. While Hepatitis B, C, and D are transmitted by contact with the blood of someone infected with the illness.

>>Also Read- World Hepatitis Day 2022: Awareness Drive About the Types of Hepatitis

7. Influenza (Flu)


The flu (influenza) is an illness of the respiratory system, throat, nose and lungs. The term "flu" comes from influenza; however, it is not similar to viruses that cause diarrhoea and vomiting. Most flu patients recover independently; however, influenza and its consequences could sometimes get fatal. People who are more likely to have flu complications include:

  • Young children under the age of two
  • Adults above the age of 65
  • Nursing home and other long-term care facility residents
  • Pregnant women or women who want to become pregnant during flu season 
  • People with weak immune systems
  • Individuals suffering from chronic ailments such as asthma, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, and diabetes
  • Individuals suffering from chronic ailments such as asthma, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, and diabetes
  • Individuals who have a BMI of 40 or above

Although the influenza vaccination is not 100 percent effective, it lessens the risk of severe consequences from illness.

Does Health Insurance Provide Protection against Communicable Diseases?

India has a long list of communicable diseases, most of which cause serious infections that need hospitalisation and prolonged treatment. A comprehensive health insurance plan by Care Health Insurance will help you cover the treatment cost and allow you to receive the finest possible care without having to spend out of your pocket. Evaluate and compare the benefits of several health insurance policies before purchasing one.

Disclaimer: Please verify the policy details and coverage with the official policy documents. Also, kindly consult a professional medical expert to verify the details of health concerns.

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