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calendar_monthPublished on 13 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 27 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Dengue is a viral disease impacting public health in India, especially during monsoon. It is transmitted by bites from infected Aedes sppmosquitos. It causes many health problems, including asymptomatic infection, dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS), etc. No licensed vaccine or specific antiviral therapy is available for dengue treatment, but supplement medicines are beneficial. The early detection of the disease helps treat dengue. Therefore, it is always better to take dengue prevention. Here are some essential health tips for the monsoon that can help you keep safe from this disease:
The symptoms of Dengue, Malaria, and Chikungunya are almost common. Infected people may experience:
Taking precautions in rainy season will save you from the unnecessary stress of falling ill due to dengue.
Dengue prevention should be your only priority as soon as the monsoon arrives. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately, and follow these rainy season precautions:
Taking adequate safety precautions during rainy season can save you from rushing to hospital if you get dengue.
Dengue fever prevention will ensure you or people around you don’t fall to this life-threatening disease that could get fatal if no immediate medical assistance is given to the patient. We have listed 5 ways to prevent dengue at home-
1) Finish Mosquito Habitats- Dengue mosquitoes thrive and grow in stagnant and contaminated water, usually found in objects like plastic covers, flower pots, tired, air coolers, etc. Removing water from these things and not letting it collect again can save you from dengue.
2) Keep the Entrances Closed- Keeping doors and windows closed will directly restrict the entry of mosquitos coming from outside. Open entrances multiply the number of mosquitoes, which increases the chances of getting infected with dengue. Mosquitoes that spread vector-borne diseases are usually active between dawn and dusk. Keeping doors and windows closed during these hours will affect them immensely.
3) Mosquito Repellants- Mosquito repellents are another effective way of keeping mosquitoes away. Applying creams to repel mosquitoes on your body while travelling to tropical places and even indoors. You can quickly get mosquito patches, wipes and bands from the market to protect children as well.
4) Wear Full Clothes- Mosquitoes usually attack naked skin. So, during the peak season when the monsoon is there with dengue, wear clothes that completely cover your arms and legs. This will reduce the chances of you getting bitten by a mosquito.
5) Time Your Trips Outside Home- You do not always catch dengue infection while sitting at your home. You can get it either during a camping trip in the woods or on a humid day when you are on vacation. Taking preventive measures when you are outdoors can be your only saviour. So, pack all your arsenal when you plan your leisure trip.
Dengue can be fatal if not treated immediately. Taking dengue preventive measures will save you from illness and your finances you will incur due to hospital expenses. So, to stay safe during the monsoon, invest in the right medical insurance policy. Care Health Insurance offers you Care best medical insurance policy. Read below its significant benefits:
>>Also Read: Why Health Insurance is Vital During Monsoon
Therefore, early diagnosis and immediate treatment help you to combat dengue. These dengue prevention tips and the best health insurance policy can protect you from deadly mosquito bites.
So, opt for it now to stay safe during monsoon.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for vector-borne diseases/dengue is subject to policy terms & conditions. Please read the sales prospectus for more details.
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