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We have all fought with our siblings over the most minor things, sometimes just out of boredom. As children, it's so much fun to annoy your sibling, but sometimes, when things go out of hand, it's not as much fun for a parent who has to play referee all the time. Constant fights and conflicts between siblings not only create a stressful environment in the home but also affect sibling bonds. Hence, it becomes the responsibility of parents to maintain peace and resolve conflicts.

This blog will help you understand the causes and ways of managing sibling rivalry to create a peaceful atmosphere at home.

Understanding Sibling Rivalry

A sibling is a child’s first friend, peer, confidante, partner and competition; rivalry happens when conflict arises. While some level of conflict and competition is normal and can help kids learn essential life skills such as negotiation and conflict resolution, parents need to step in if these issues start to impact the sibling bond or occur too frequently. Here are some common causes.

1. Birth Order

It is the most common cause of sibling rivalry, the oldest child is often the authoritative one and is given responsibility for the younger sibling. A conflict arises when the younger sibling rebels against authority or the older sibling starts bullying the younger one.

2. Need for Attention

Every child needs parental attention. However, the older sibling starts competing for attention when a sibling comes into the picture. The slightest change in parents’ communication or behaviour makes them insecure and jealous of the younger sibling, who seems like a threat to the older sibling.

3. Competition for Resources

Siblings often fight over resources that are limited or not available for both separately, such as toys, space, books, TV, and gadgets. These are common day-to-day fights among siblings.

4. Family Dynamics

Siblings can experience rivalry due to favouritism, sibling roles, and comparisons. For instance, in traditional Indian families, unequal treatment of girls and boys may lead to conflict between siblings of opposite genders. Additionally, comparing academic performance or favouring one child over another can lead to sibling conflicts.

Tips for Conflict Resolution Between Siblings

When handling sibling rivalry, parents need to be calm and in control of themselves. It is important to understand the underlying cause and then address the issue to minimise the occurrence of a conflict.

1. Listen

The first thing to do to stop a fight is to listen to both parties one-on-one before offering a solution. Children calm down when they feel heard. Giving them a chance to express themselves and not telling them what to do is half the battle won. This teaches children to handle a situation with maturity.

2. Avoid Comparisons

Each child is unique and has his own strengths. Never compare your children with each other, and celebrate their individuality. Spend time with each separately doing things they like. They may be different, but they will learn from you how to respect the differences and not mock each other.

3. Establish Boundaries

If children are hitting each other or using foul language, tell them sternly to stop, or they both will be punished. Assertively convey that violent and abusive behaviour is unacceptable and has consequences. Establish ground rules and ensure every family member knows how to manage sibling fighting.

4. Teach Problem-Solving

Ensure your children have problem-solving skills to prevent future disputes and teach them how to manage sibling conflicts independently. When a conflict arises, show them how to communicate, be fair, and reach a resolution. Encourage them to find ways to share resources or take turns with chores to prevent arguments.

5. Avoid Blame-Game

Instead of blaming one child for starting the fight, notice each child’s role. Remember it takes two to tango. Your children should get the message that if a fight involves both, the consequences will also involve both equally.

6. Treat Your Children Fairly

Parents often make the mistake of favouring one child during a conflict or in general. This may cause feelings of jealousy. It is important to remember that fairness does not always mean equality. Sometimes you must treat a child according to his needs depending on age. Explain to your children what it means to be fair by teaching them to understand each other's feelings and views.

>> Also Read: Interesting Ways to Inculcate Healthy Habits in Children

Wrapping Up!

Understanding sibling rivalry, how to manage conflict between siblings and teaching children to resolve issues independently are the best ways to avoid the long-term impact of unsolved sibling conflicts. It's important to encourage your children to express their feelings and thoughts openly and to spend quality family time together so they can learn the skills of sharing and effective communication. Giving each child an equal opportunity to explore their individual interests will promote the development of strong and healthy sibling bonds. A peaceful and stress-free home is a healthy home. Make sure your family's health is secured with a good family health insurance plan.

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