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Published on 26 Aug, 2024
4 min Read
Written by Rashmi Rai
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It is always challenging to set strict limits/boundaries on screen time. How would you describe the limit of something? Moreover, as a parent, you must wonder if there is a good way to make your children accept the ‘no screen time’ rules. When controlling the screen time for your kids, especially teenagers, there is no ‘one’ specific approach/solution.
However, this guide has come up with solid answers on ‘how to control screen time for teenagers. Read on to find some creative ways to limit screen time for your children.
It has become essential to set limits on children's screen time to protect them in the digital age. Without certain limits or restrictions, your child's development becomes challenging. Their mental health is affected; they may suffer physically (mostly eye strain), and eventually, they will have severe effects on their overall well-being. Below are 11 ways to control teen screen time. Take a look!
Setting specific rules and policies around excessive screen use is crucial. Set an acceptable screen time limit according to your child's age. You can create a timetable that allows particular time for finishing homework, playing outside, attending classes, and other activities. Once done, ensure your child knows the rules and the repercussions for breaking them (just in case).
This is the most effective yet delicate trick for how to limit screen time teenager. Teenagers are often rebellious. While a child may show tantrums, teenagers may come at you and blame you for their behaviour. In short, children generally mimic their parents' actions. Hence, the trick here is to be a role model. You may provide your teenager with a good example by controlling your own screen time and giving priority to other activities that are productive.
Show children that the world has bags of rewarding and exciting activities to offer when looked out of the screens.
Set aside specific sections of your house that must be screen-free. For example, mobile phone distractions must be eliminated once the family gathers in the dining area for their meals. Moreover, you can also set all the bedrooms as a screen-free zone. This can help everyone have a good night’s sleep.
Monitor your child's time using smartphones/laptops/PC/tabs. You can set a time limit for each app that they use. This is one of the most creative ways to limit screen time. Several time-limit applications on the Play Store/App Store can send reminders on crossing the limit. Use these tools to ensure your child follows the set/regular boundaries.
One of the best ways to reduce screen time is to encourage your kids to participate in other activities. Try arranging several activities, including reading, sports, arts and crafts, and outdoor games. This encourages well-rounded mental and physical growth while also helping reduce screen time.
Screen time may sometimes be different. Each educational application, game, and tool can be advantageous when used wisely. To improve the learning process, try selecting age-appropriate, high-quality content for your child. If you are concerned about your child's content consumption, you may also put a child lock on certain apps if your child is less than ten years old.
Talk to your kids about the potential side effects of too much screen time. For example, it will cause strain to the eyes, and sometimes, even worse, it can lead to bad posture and insomnia. Plus, the impact of screen time on teenage brains is unbelievable. Considering this, help your kids realise the significance of balancing screen time with other activities to reduce the potential risks.
Teach your youngster to avoid using screens when spending time with friends and relatives. Building solid relationships and acquiring social skills require face-to-face interaction. You can plan family playdates, trips, or game nights to encourage these conversations. Additionally, they should be told how in-person interactions are more effective and necessary for building social skills.
When it comes to screen time management, consistency is crucial. Remaining true to your restrictions and rules and resisting the urge to indulge in additional screen time is vital. Following the rules set consistently will leave an impression on your children that you are being disciplined. It will also teach your kids the value of boundaries and limits.
Set aside specified times of the day to use screens rather than letting children use them whenever they want. This teaches your youngster that using a screen is a special activity and shouldn’t be done regularly. Also, it is a great way to limit screen time for teenagers. Once your child finishes a chore or homework, you can reward them with screen time.
You can expect to have unreasonable arguments and irrational justifications once you set boundaries on your children's screen time. Parents setting limits, and kids not seeing why those limits should be there is inevitable. Hence, avoid dealing in heated discussions with your children over the established rule and why it is set in the first place. Stick to your word. Once the rule is set, you must not stretch/discuss it.
>> Also Read: Why do Teenagers Need Health Insurance?
Summing up, you can expect your children to fight against these new rules. In fact, they may act out or repeatedly request that the rule be changed. They may also start taking you on a guilt trip and compare you with other parents. However, you must not be affected by any of it. They will quickly become used to the new normal in a week or two. But still, during that period, you must keep following the rules consistently.
Additionally, you may have to make exceptions to your rules once you’ve set them. However, do not get swayed away by it. It won’t harm much if you allow your children to spend additional time on screens, occasionally. Again, moderation is key. The effects of screen time on teenage brains are detrimental. Everything that is in excess has its own repercussions.
In addition to setting screen time boundaries, it is essential to invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan to protect your child’s physical and mental health. It is an investment for the future, which ensures you can avoid any losses due to medical emergencies in the future.
Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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