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calendar_monthPublished on 23 Apr, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Hypertension is often called the 'silent killer.' It is a medical condition in which the blood pressure remains persistently high, and the effects are damaging. It can result in coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, etc., which is why it requires extensive healthcare management. The rising medical inflation and resultant skyrocketing treatment costs make it difficult for people to cope with this disease. Therefore, considering the problems people face while dealing with hypertension, we offer Care Freedom-a health insurance for High BP. Let's understand what it is and how it is helpful:
We know that living with a disease like hypertension is not easy, but our health policy makes your path smooth. It is designed to cover the hospitalization, medication, diagnosis, doctor's consultation expenses, etc., for hypertension. However, this policy comes with a waiting period ranging from 24 to 48 months, so it is wise to opt for it in advance. Premium is slightly higher but worth it because of the benefits.
You feel like half the battle won when you know that you have a medical policy that takes care of your treatment expenses. With this policy, managing hypertension is uncomplicated. Check what all benefits you can get:
Cashless Hospitalization: Offer cashless hospitalization facility during a medical emergency and planned hospitalization in the network hospitals.
COVID-19 Cover: If the word coronavirus raises your BP, then do not worry! You will get the cover for COVID-19, including your treatment and quarantine expenses.
Extensive Coverage: Whether in-patient hospitalization, pre, and post-hospitalization, or domiciliary hospitalization, you will get comprehensive coverage.
AYUSH Treatment Cover: If you believe in alternate treatments, you can avail of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha, Homeopathy) treatment for hypertension.
Ambulance Cover: Emergency can knock on the door anytime. If you take an ambulance to reach the hospital during a medical emergency, the expenses will cover under the policy.
Consumable Allowance: You will get a consumable allowance to meet your day-to-day expenses that include consumables, commutation, and attendant's cost, which ease your pocket.
Recharge of Sum Insured: If your existing Sum Insured gets exhausted due to the treatment, you can recharge the Sum Insured. It will reduce your financial burden, and you can focus on your recovery.
Annual Health Check-Ups: Health check-ups cost you extra. Under the policy, you will get annual health check-ups to keep track of your health.
Home Care Cover: It is an add-on cover that includes expenses incurred for hiring a qualified nurse to take care of you or any insured member on the doctor's recommendation.
Care Shield: It is another add-on cover that comes with three-fold benefits:
Claim Shield-This includes non-payable medical expenses such as masks, gloves, etc.
No Claim Bonus Shield- If the total payable claim amount in a policy year is <25% Sum Insured, no claim bonus (no claim bonus super, if opted) applicable in the base product will not be reduced.
Inflation Shield- The base policy Sum Insured will be increased on a cumulative basis at each renewal based on the previous year's inflation rate.
Tax Benefit: According to section 80D under Income Tax Act 1961, the premium paid for health insurance for self, dependent parents, children, and spouses gets exemption from tax. You can save more and stay healthy.
>>Also Read About Health Insurance for Insulin Dependent Diabetics
If hypertension and its treatment costs give you sleepless nights, opt for our high BP health insurance today. It not only covers your treatment expenses but helps you to avail the best healthcare facilities to manage hypertension worry-free.
Care Health Insurance is known for its unparalleled insurance plans for you and your family. We ensure that you are catered with the best of our services. Please protect yourself today with our comprehensive health insurance to keep yourself and your loved ones protected because WE CARE!
Disclaimer: The information shared in this article is only for reference purpose. Underwriting of claims for hypertension subject to policy terms and conditions.
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