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Published on 1 Oct, 2024
Updated on 27 Mar, 2025
2 min Read
Written by Rashmi Rai
Magnetic therapy is a pseudoscientific alternative to modern medicines that is widely used to actively pull out impurities and diseases from the body. Magnetic therapy health benefits have advanced from chronic pain relief to the treatment of cancer. Let us learn more about what is magnetic therapy and its health benefits.
Magnetic therapy is an alternate method of treatment that involves magnetic fields to reduce pain and improve the healing rate. The use of the magnets improves blood circulation in the body and also reduces inflammation. It is commonly used to treat arthritis, back pain and headaches through electromagnetic fields.
Static or electromagnets are vastly used in electromagnetic therapy. Let’s discuss about the various types of magnets below.
The human body has its own natural magnetic and electrical fields. The main idea behind magnetic therapy is that major health problems are caused due to the imbalance of the magnetic field in the molecules of the body. By introducing an external magnetic field near the affected areas of the body, the ions like calcium and potassium are balanced. This process further helps in better functioning of the body. Studies have shown that magnetic fields help in reducing pain by affecting the transmission of nerve impulses leading to reduction in inflammation.
There are multiple health benefits of using magnetic therapy due to its broad action mechanism. Some of the major magnetic therapy benefits are discussed below:
Even though magnetic therapy is very beneficial in various medical conditions, it is always advisable to first consult with a health care provider.
Here are some conditions during which magnetic therapy should not be used:
Magnetic therapy is an alternate method of treatment that uses static magnets to promote the healing effect and reduces pain. By applying specific types of magnets on the targeted area, the magnetic therapy aims to enhance the blood circulation and reduce inflammation. As research still continues, magnetic therapy remains a promising option for those looking for comprehensive health solutions.
>> Also Read: Does My Insurance Cover Therapy?
Disclaimer: The above-mentioned information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your doctor in case of any emergency or doubt.
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