Care Insurance
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Lung cancer is one of the most prevalent and highly critical illnesses worldwide, which claims millions of lives every month. However, early diagnosis is the light at the end of the tunnel. Many risk factors cause this life-threatening disease, while smoking is the primary one.There are cases where non-smokers are also diagnosed with this cancer. So, let’s understand basic lung cancer epidemiology, the reasons why India's cancer rate is increasing and how a mediclaim policy can help.

What is Lung Cancer?

Lungs are the vital organs for breathing, and lung cancer is a disease in which cells in the lungs divide uncontrollably, causing tumours that can reduce a patient’s ability to breathe. There are two main types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the more common type, typically occurring in the outer part of the lungs. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) usually develops in the passages of the respiratory tract. The risk of lung cancer increases over time, and it can grow large before symptoms become noticeable. Read below more about its symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer?

The symptoms of both types of lung cancer are the same. Here are its early symptoms:

  • Bad Cough
  • Phlegm or blood in coughing
  • Chest pain during breathing, laughing, or coughing
  • Hoarseness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Weakness 
  • Loss of Appetite 
  • Weight Loss

Types of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is categorised based on the type of cells from which it originates, and there are primarily two main types types:

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

The most common type of lung cancer, NSCLC comprises about 85% of all lung cancer cases. It includes:

  • Adenocarcinoma: Often found in smokers, but can occur in non-smokers. It usually begins in mucus-producing cells of the lung.
  • Suqamous Cell Carcinoma: Starts in flat, thin cells lining the airways. It is more common in smokers.
  • Large Cell Carcinoma: A rare form that can occur in any part of the lung and spreads quite quickly.

Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

SCLC is a rather aggressive type of cancer that usually stems from the bronchi and spreads rapidly to other areas in the body. Heavy smoking is one of the major causes of this type of lung cancer.

Stages of Lung Cancer

The stages of lung cancer indicate how far the cancer has spread in the body, as described below:

Stage 1: Cancer remains localised in the lung and has not spread to the lymph nodes. Surgical removal is usually effective here.

Stage 2: Cancer starts affecting chest structures or nymph nodes. This stage often involves a combination of surgery and radiation or chemotherapy.

Stage 3: Cancer spreads further to nearby organs (like the heart) or lymph nodes. This stage requires advanced treatments, including targeted therapy or immunotherapy.

Stage 4: This is the most advanced stage, where cancer spreads to distant organs like the brain, liver, or bones. In this case, treatment focuses on managing cancer symptoms and extending life with the help of therapies like immunotherapy or chemotherapy.

What Treatments Are Used in Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer treatment options are chosen based on the type and stage of the cancer. The overall health of the patient is also a crucial factor that helps determine the best course of treatment.

  • Surgery: Surgery is often used to remove tumors. This may involve the removal of a lobe of the lung (lobectomy) or, in some cases, the removal of the entire lung (pneumonectomy).
  • Radiation: This type of lung cancer treatment involves the use of powerful beams, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy is often combined with other cancer treatments in advanced cases.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill fast-growing cancer cells in the body. This therapy is often used after surgery to eliminate any remaining cancer cells. In advanced stages, it may be the primary treatment.
  • Targeted Therapy: Cancers with specific genetic mutations are treated using certain drugs that block the growth/spread of cancer throughout the body.
  • Immunotherapy: This treatment method helps the immune system target and destroy cancer cells. It is one of the effective practices in treating advanced lung cancer.

What Are The Causes Of  Lung Cancer?

There are several reasons that may increase the lung cancer rate in India. Some of these factors can be controlled, while others are uncontrollable. Here are some of the important factors:

  • Smoking- Smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer. The risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked daily. Addiction is a significant problem in India, with youth often starting due to peer pressure or perceived fashion. Work-related or other stresses also contribute to smoking, leading to a higher prevalence of lung cancer patients in the country.
  • Second-Hand Smoke- As the number of smokers increases day by day, exposure to second-hand smoke is also increasing simultaneously.  Second-hand smoke is the smoke that inhales and exhales by the second person who is closely in touch with a smoker. It occurs from burning of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Unfortunately, people who do not smoke and come under the exposure of second-hand smoke also become the victim of this critical illness. 
  • Radiation Therapy- As cancer rates rise in India, many people undergo radiation therapy. It has been observed that individuals who have received chest radiation therapy for other cancers have an increased risk of developing lung cancer later. Radiation therapy carries potential risks, and its benefits and risks must be carefully weighed.
  • Radon Gas- Radon is a natural radioactive gas produced by the decay of uranium, releasing ionizing radiation. It can seep through soil and enter homes through cracks in the foundation, pipes, and drains, becoming part of the indoor air. It is a hazardous gas that significantly affects the respiratory system. In India, awareness of radon's risks is low, and adequate precautions to mitigate radon exposure are often lacking.  
  • Other Carcinogens-Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer, whether in the air, chemicals, or even food. People exposed to workplace carcinogens, such as asbestos, arsenic, chromium, and nickel, in manufacturing plants are at high risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Family History- A family history of cancer increases an individual's risk. Those with close relatives, such as grandparents, parents, or siblings, diagnosed with lung cancer in the past should be particularly vigilant.

What are the Preventive Measures for Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is a life-threatening disease that can significantly impact a patient's emotional and mental well-being. However, with appropriate preventive measures, it's possible to reduce the risk and improve outcomes.

  • Early Diagnosis- Early detection enables prompt treatment, which can limit the spread of tumors and potentially save lives.
  • Treatment- Following a diagnosis, immediate treatment is crucial. Consulting with a qualified oncologist and adhering to the prescribed treatment plan with proper medication can significantly improve outcomes.
  • Diet- During treatment, dietary adjustments are often necessary. It is advisable to follow a diet prescribed by a registered dietitian, focusing on a mix of nutrients and proteins while avoiding smoking and alcohol. 
  • Acupuncture- When recommended by a doctor, acupuncture and specific breathing techniques may be beneficial. These practices may help improve lung function and circulation.
  • Yoga – Combining breathing exercises, meditation, stretching, and yoga can promote relaxation, reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being.

How Health Insurance is Helpful?

Lung cancer is a critical illness that needs ongoing treatment. With rising medical inflation and increasing treatment costs, purchasing health insurance that covers critical illnesses is highly recommended.

Health insurance provides a wide range of coverage with exclusive benefits, as detailed below:

  • Coverage for pre and post hospitalization expenses, OPD expenses, diagnosis, doctor’s fee, medication, etc.
  • Provide a cashless hospitalization facility in 24800+ cashless healthcare providers 
  • Provide additional benefits such as second opinion, global coverage, and annual health-check-up.
  • Lifelong renewability 
  • Coverage for alternative treatments, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and day-care treatments.
  • Tax benefit under Section 80D

Wrapping Up!

We understand the financial and emotional implications of such critical illnesses. With the aforementioned benefits, we cover 32 critical illnesses under our super mediclaim policy, allowing you to focus on your recovery while we take care of your medical expenses.

 Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Lung Cancer is subject to policy terms and conditions.

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