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calendar_monthPublished on 17 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 6 Feb, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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In the past few years, there has been a sudden rise in the cases of Cataract Surgeries in India. Due to age, injury, diabetes, etc., the lens inside the eyes gets cloudy. Ophthalmologists here boast their range of customized solutions for eye-care problems. During the procedure, the natural lens replaces an artificial lens known as an intraocular lens or IOL. This surgery eliminates the need for thick glasses and gives a clear vision to patients. It needs to be performed under a trained, experienced surgeon and need extra care for some time. However, surgery can perform in a daycare. A patient does not require to hospitalized until there are some severe complications.
Owing to increased medical inflation and no health insurance, cataract surgery cost in India become out of pocket expenses for many.
The actual amount for cataract surgery may differ substantially based on different factors, including:
However, the best way to determine eye cataract surgery cost in India is to get a consultation with a surgeon. You will get the right cost estimation for your specific eye care needs. So, overall a cataract surgery can costs from Rs.15,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 depending on various factors.
Now, let’s understand how health insurance is helpful. It provides you financial cushion during a medical emergency. Care Health Insurance offers Care-the most comprehensive health insurance plan. It offers cataract surgery under daycare surgeries with no sub-limits (depends on the type of plan). You do not have to worry about such surgery expenses. However, there is a waiting period for Cataract surgery; after that, you can file the claim. Take a look at its benefits:
Your eyes are the most vital organ of your body that helps you mesmerize yourself with the beauty of this world. Thus, you should keep them protected. For cataracts, surgery is the only solution. However, the cataract surgery cost in India is rising, but you do not need to worry; it won’t be painful to your pocket if you have the best health insurance plan. So, insured with us today and give your eyes the best care.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for cataract surgery is subject to policy terms & conditions.
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