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Published on 14 Feb, 2020
Updated on 21 Nov, 2023
2 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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Women can develop hypertension during pregnancy that can put both women and children at risk
Hypertension in pregnant women has become quite common these days. According to research, hypertension affects at least 8-10% of pregnancies in women in India. If not addressed, hypertension can be harmful to both the woman and her child. Hypertension in women is very common these days. Read on to know what the different types of hypertension are and the threat they pose to pregnant women.
Hypertension during pregnancy is caused due to the following reasons:
Without detecting, you may not know your blood pressure is increasing. High blood pressure can cause various health problems such as stroke and kidney disorder. Therefore, it is advisable for pregnant women to get a routine check-up.
The normal blood pressure during pregnancy is less than 120/80 mm Hg. If the blood pressure is higher than 130/90 mmHg or greater than the reading taken before pregnancy; it is a matter of concern. Hypertension in pregnancy is 140mm Hg or above than systolic, with diastolic 90mm or above. Mostly in the second trimester of pregnancy, a women’s blood pressure may get lower as the hormones cause the blood vessels to get wide due to which the blood flow does not get high.
Hypertension can be divided into the following three types of hypertension in pregnancy:
This type of high blood pressure develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy. It does not reveal any symptoms. Mostly, it does not pose any risk to you and your child and goes away within 12 weeks after childbirth. In severe cases, some women may develop preeclampsia.
This condition occurs before a woman conceives or before the 20th week of pregnancy. Some women may have this condition before getting pregnant but may not be aware until they get their blood pressure checked.
This type of hypertension occurs in women who have been diagnosed with hypertension before pregnancy, but then blood pressure gets worse and causes the protein to leak into the urine.
This condition causes a sudden increase in blood pressure. It mostly occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. It shows signs of liver and kidney damage and the presence of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be dangerous both for the mother and her child.
>> Check: The Best Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure
A number of health risks can put women at greater risk of developing hypertension. Gestational hypertension can lead to various ailments such as ischemic heart disease, ischemic stroke, and heart failure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to the following conditions:
Hypertension can increase the chances of poor pregnancy outcomes, such as premature birth, smaller than the average size of the infant and even death in some cases. This condition affects the blood vessels of the women that may lead to decreased flow of nutrients through the baby’s placenta. In the case of premature delivery, the baby may have difficulty breathing and result in Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (NRDS).
A woman needs medical attention for herself and her baby from the time she conceives until delivery. Therefore, it gets necessary for her to buy health insurance policy. Stay healthy by keeping your blood pressure under control. If you are planning for motherhood, then you must opt for Joy-maternity health cover from Care Health Insurance. This health insurance plan can significantly reduce your maternity expenses.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for pregnancy subject to policy terms and conditions.
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