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calendar_monthPublished on 9 Dec, 2024
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Written by Rashmi Rai
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International Universal Health Coverage Day is celebrated on 12th December annually. Its origin dates back to 2012 when the United Nations approved a resolution encouraging countries towards providing universal health coverage to everyone globally.
The idea behind this was that everyone should have access to quality, affordable health care everywhere. International Universal Health Coverage Day intends to raise awareness about the undeniable need for a robust health system in the world.
Considering the sedentary lifestyles we are leading today, having access to a solid healthcare system becomes a necessity. Especially in urbanized countries, citizens have become habitual to living a faced paced lifestyle, which gives rise to numerous unwanted health problems.
As per a 2022 report by National Institutes of Health, areas with a high degree of urbanization face higher medical expenditure which further results in the difference of medical resources between urban and rural areas. Universal health coverage offers a solution to this crisis by providing equal healthcare opportunities for all despite the area they reside in.
International Universal Health Coverage Day raises awareness about lakhs of people still deprived of solid healthcare facilities. It also encourages world leaders to make more strategic health investments. Every year, the day follows a new theme, highlighting the agenda for that year. This year the theme highlights the role of governments in ensuring equal healthcare access for all, addressing global health equity and promoting financial protection.
Universal health coverage (UHC) aims to allow individuals access to top notch healthcare services whenever and wherever they need without facing any financial hardships. It covers essential expenses from treatment to special care. Other important aspects of this coverage include;
According to the World Economic Forum, global spending on healthcare in 2021 reached $9.8 trillion, accounting for 10.3% of global GDP. With the rise in unwanted health problems especially in urbanized countries and the rising healthcare costs, UHC acts as a savior from unwanted financial burdens. It protects individuals and families from disastrous healthcare expenses, preventing them from falling into poverty from medical bills.
Besides reducing unwanted financial hardships, UHC also acts as a protective shield that prevents illnesses from getting worse and allows their early detection and treatment. This further promotes resilience against health emergencies and contributes towards a healthier and secure world.
A universal health coverage plan covers both individual and family healthcare expenses. These expenses include pre hospitalization, post hospitalization, annual health check-ups, mental health services, and surgical procedures. This can successfully work in favor of middle class families living in urban countries and makes healthcare easily accessible without burning a hole in their pockets.
Here are some of the top benefits of achieving UHC
This is one of the most significant benefits of Universal Health Coverage, promising an equal access to healthcare facilities regardless of social and economic status. It reduces the financial burden on those who have limited access to healthcare and also eradicates the need of purchasing health insurance and spending out of their financial capacity.
UHC aims to create equal healthcare facilities for everyone, everyone regardless of their economic status. By eliminating out of pocket healthcare expenses, it prevents families from falling into poverty due to medical debt.
This allows them to invest their valuable money in their economic activities such as education or investments. It also ensures that children grow up to become healthy and educated individuals who can contribute to the growth and development of their country.
A healthy and educated population effectively contributes to the overall economic growth and development of their nation. Since UHC provides accessible healthcare opportunities for all, seeking early medical treatment becomes easier for individuals and families. This prevents the diseases from becoming severe and chronic illnesses to get treated on time.Therefore, promoting better health and well being of the population.
Every year, a particular theme is decided to realise the worth of this day. This year, the theme of International Universal Health Coverage Day is Health: It's on the Government”.
As per a report by National Health Sciences, here are certain challenges related to UHC that should be overcome in order to make the most out of this coverage;
One of the most significant challenges of UHC is unequal distribution of health workers and inadequate medical facilities available in public hospitals and community centers. Lack of skilled health workers and shortage of advanced equipment and technology makes it challenging for individuals and families to avail the benefits provided by UHC.
Another challenge of achieving a UHC involves finding enough funds to provide healthcare for everyone without making it too expensive. Many countries, especially the poor ones, lack enough financial resources in their budget to invest in healthcare.
As the privatization of healthcare services is taking place, the treatment costs are also increasing at the same pace. This makes UHC challenging for low income groups because private healthcare providers often prioritize profit over affordability. Thus, the treatments will be expensive and affordable to high income groups only.
A mismanaged governance can lead to numerous inefficiencies in healthcare systems, making it challenging for citizens to easily access services. It not only results in unequal distribution of resources, but also causes unnecessary delays in getting the required care and treatment. This further undermines efforts to achieve universal health coverage and ensure equal access for all.
Universal health coverage day promotes the idea of equal healthcare opportunities for all. It aims to reduce the financial burden of healthcare expenses on individuals and families. It comes with numerous benefits including enhanced economic growth and development and improved health and well being of citizens.
However, the road to achieving UHC is full of challenges such as unequal distribution of health workers and medical facilities, poor governance and lack of adequate funds. While the journey to UHC comes with challenges, health insurance comes as a solution, effectively bridging the gap between access and affordability. Our health insurance plan allows individuals to access quality care without financial strain, promoting a healthier future.
>> Also Read: Benefits and Coverage under Health Insurance
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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