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calendar_monthPublished on 2 Dec, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 2 Dec, 2024
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Written by Nidhi Goyal
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“Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within.” Helen Keller
Helen Keller wrote several books, including ‘Three Days to See, The Open Door, and Optimism Within.’Her most famous speech, “Strike Against War,” was among her 475 speeches. She was an activist for political and social issues and disability welfare.
But you would be surprised to know that she was blind, mute and deaf and could understand only through touch.
On this International Day of Persons With Disabilities, we remember the specially and differently abled god’s gifts.
Talking about one more inspiration of Sudha Chandran, a life-altering accident at the early age of 17 couldn’t alter her dreams of becoming a talented Bharatnatyam dancer and an actor. She has been continuing her passion without any boundaries, that too with an amputated leg.
Moreover, Paralympic players show us the epitome of perseverance and resilience.
Many people had the following questions in their minds-
Individuals with disabilities have been performing beyond imagination, but are they getting that recognition? Do we see them in all spheres of life?
How many have had the chance to be leaders?
Do we celebrate their achievements?
In how many conferences do we see such specially-abled people making big decisions? However, it is their right to participate fully and effectively in decision-making.
Losing a body part doesn’t imply losing one’s ability. Dreams transcend any disability and are fueled by determination. If given a chance, they can bring many benefits to society. If we need growth, we need to change something big. International Disability Day is a move towards solving the puzzle.
In 1992, United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3 proclaimed the annual observance of International Day of Persons With Disabilities (IDPD) on 3rd December. It promotes an understanding and awareness of disability issues and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, such as social, economic, political, and cultural. Also, it is celebrated to mobilise support for their dignity, rights, and well-being. The day is intended to promote their rights and perspectives around the world.
This year’s theme is ‘Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.’
This year’s theme recognises the important role of specially abled people in creating a more sustainable and inclusive world for all. Moreover, the theme 2024 reflects the current international policy and political context, especially, the upcoming 2025 World Summit for Social Development and the Pact for the Future. Achieving the 2030 agenda is one of the topics.
IDPD 2024 will include a series of events, the main one occurring at the United Nations Headquarters in NY. Not only will persons with disabilities be present, but civil society organisations and government representatives will also be involved.
In India, it is launched as an initiative called the Accessible India Campaign under Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). There will be many events on this day of people with disability.
The world is moving towards becoming disabled friendly. The availability of assistive technology and infrastructure has been helping people overcome obstacles. Since its inception, many changes have been introduced in society to ease their lives.
Around 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the global population, experience a significant disability today. Many of them die earlier, experience a lot of limitations and live with a risk of developing health conditions that come with expensive treatments. But the first quality of life index is health. They also have the right to achieve their highest levels of health, which is a fundamental human right. But they don’t have access to quality healthcare services. Reliable health insurance is essential to access expensive health care. It gives them financial assistance and helps them live on their own terms.
On an individual basis, we should also do our bit to make it a fully inclusive society. We should realise that people with disabilities are human, too. They are humans with talents, desires, heartache and loss. Make them feel confident, respect personal space, and make sure you ask before offering them help. Also, be mindful of using offensive terms while conversing with them, such as “wheelchair bound,” “handicapped,” and “I am so sorry that it happened to you.” So, on this international handicap day, let us take one step forward towards making their lives easier. We thank them all for their determination and the vibrancy they live with.
>> Also Read: What Disablements Are Covered in Health Insurance Plans?
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. Health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. See your policy documents for more information.
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