Care Insurance
  • Published on 12 Jun, 2024

    Updated on 26 Mar, 2025


    6 min Read

While you are all excited about your pregnancy and delivery, one thing that you and your spouse or partner need to avoid at this stage is unnecessary anxiety and worries. This is the best time of your life and you should enjoy it, cherish the moments and retain these fond memories for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, medical expenses in India are very high, especially in the metropolitan cities. In 2022–23, the medical trend rate in India – medical inflation – was 14 per cent, the highest in Asia and higher than the global average of 10.7 per cent for the same period. A Caesarean – Section delivery in a quality medical facility can range between Rs 75,000 to Rs 2,00,000 in the more expensive cities. In case of any complications in your pregnancy or delivery, these costs may rise further. The cost of treatment often becomes unaffordable for a lot of people. Such significant expenses and related implications are enough to give you and your spouse or partner sleepless nights.

What is Maternity Health Insurance?

A maternity insurance policy is designed to cover the expenses associated with your pregnancy, delivery and newborn child. In other words, a pregnancy insurance policy acts as a safety net that will absolve you of your pregnancy-related financial worries and allow you to make the best of your pregnancy.

As per the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), maternity expenses or treatment in the context of insurance for pregnant women includes medical expenses during hospitalisation for delivery – including C-Section and normal deliveries, legal, medical termination of pregnancy that is subject to a maximum of two deliveries and terminations during the entire lifetime of the person who has been insured, pre-natal and post-natal medical expenses, newborn care etc.

Why Should You Opt for a Maternity Insurance Policy?

Following are the reasons as to why you should opt for a pregnancy health cover:

Early Planning for Parenthood

There is no fixed age for you to become a parent. Pregnancy insurance is a vital part of your phase of family planning. Ideally, you should purchase your policy when you get married or start living together if you plan to go the family way early.

Financial Comfort

Welcoming your bundle of joy into the world feels amazing, but it also brings with it additional responsibility in the form of increased expenses. Maternity insurance largely spares you from additional expenses in this crucial period.

Coverage for Complications

While we all desire a smooth pregnancy, unfortunately, unforeseen complications can arise. Your pregnancy health cover will take care of the related expenses, leaving you free to deal with the situation smoothly.

Coverage of Maternity Expenses

The costs relating to pregnancy, delivery, and maternity can add up to quite a lot. Your insurance policy for pregnant women will bear the financial impact, leaving you free to enjoy your baby’s arrival.

Inclusions in Maternity Health Insurance

A typical list of features included in a maternity insurance policy is as follows:

  • Delivery Charges: Delivery charges are covered, whether a normal delivery or a C-section delivery. All expenses covering delivery, including the surgeon’s fees, are included.
  • Pre-natal and Post-natal Care: Your health insurance policy will cover the medical expenses incurred before and after your delivery. Doctor’s fees, tests and medicines for you and your baby are all included in the coverage provided by your maternity insurance policy.
  • Hospitalisation Expenses: Maternity insurance covers all hospital expenses, including room charges and nursing charges.
  • Coverage for New Born Baby: Your newborn baby is covered by your maternity health insurance policy for one year. All expenses relating to vaccinations, medicines, ventilator care if necessary, and health check-ups are all included in the coverage.
  • Pre-Hospitalisation and Post-Hospitalisation Expenses: Your pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses are included in the coverage provided by your health insurance with maternity coverage. The number of days covered in both instances depends upon the terms and conditions of your maternity health insurance policy.

Exclusions in Maternity Health Insurance

Your maternity health insurance policy has a comparatively low cover for maternity benefits. The cover is subject to sub-limits and ranges between Rs Twenty thousand and Rs One lac. Another issue you may face is the tendency to reject claims if you are pregnant beyond the age of 35.

A list of common exclusions in maternity health insurance policies is as below:

  • Waiting Periods: Nearly all maternity health insurance policies have a waiting period ranging from two to six years. Any pregnancy-related claim filed within the waiting period of the specific policy will be rejected.
  • Pre-existing Diseases and Conditions: Maternity health insurance policies do not cover pre-existing diseases. Even pregnancy is treated as a pre-existing condition if you purchase your policy after you are pregnant, and the claim will get rejected.
  • Regular Check–Up: Your visits to the doctor for your regular check-up periodically are excluded from the coverage of a maternity insurance policy.
  • Consultation and Diagnostic Tests: Most maternity health insurance policies do not include consultation fees and diagnostic tests in the nine months of your pregnancy. Consultation and diagnostics are only covered when you are hospitalised for your delivery.
  • Complications from Unrecognised Procedures: Many insurers exclude the expenses arising from complications from any treatments or procedures not recognised by medical authorities. For example, in case you have any complications arising out of pre-natal gender determination tests, which are illegal in India, your claim will be rejected.
  • Medical Expenses of Ectopic Pregnancy: Maternity health insurance policies do not cover any costs relating to an ectopic pregnancy, where the pregnancy occurs outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes.
  • Non-Medical Expenses: All maternity health insurance policies will reject non–medical expenses like diapers, blankets, baby’s clothes, or any other personal item.
  • Multiple Births: As per IRDAI, all maternity insurance policies cover a maximum of two births and two legal medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) procedures in one’s lifetime. Insurers will reject any birth or MTP procedures beyond this. Also, some policies may only cover a single birth at a time. You need to refer to the terms and conditions of your policy if you are expecting twins, triplets, or more.
  • Infertility Treatments: Maternity health insurance policies do not cover infertility treatments. Your claim for In vitro fertilisation (IVF) will be rejected.
  • Supplements: Maternity insurance policies exclude the cost of supplements like tonics and vitamins.
  • Late Pregnancy: Most maternity insurance policies do not include coverage for a pregnancy after age 45.
  • Alternative Birth Methods: Your maternity insurance policy may not include alternative birth methods. If you plan to use any such method, you must check with your health insurance company to avoid unpleasant surprises later.
  • Unrecognised Providers: Your maternity insurance policy may only support listed healthcare providers. Please check and confirm that your health insurance company recognises your providers.
  • Harvesting and Storing of Stem Cells: The harvesting and storing of stem cells is not included in the coverage provided by your maternity insurance policy.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Maternity Insurance

Finding the best maternity insurance plan is to save good deal of unexpected expenses and unlock peace of mind that you dererve–and need–during pregnancy. That said, here are the must-know secrets to choosing the right plan:

  • Coverage: Make sure your maternity insurance plan covers prenatal and postnatal costs along with delivery expenses (normal or cesarean). That’s not all, look out for a plan that provides coverage for newborn expenses as well.
  • Waiting Period: Maternity insurance policy typically has a waiting period ranging from 9 months to 2 years. Thus, in case you are planning a baby anytime soon, sign up for a plan with a shorter waiting period.
  • Premium: The key is to balance comprehensive coverage with affordability. Check up on premium costs thoroughly to make sure the policy fits exactly your budget without demanding a compromise on the coverage front.
  • Inclusions and Exclusions: One of the most important factors here is to carefully understand a) what is included in maternity health insurance; b) what is excluded from maternity health insurance. Read the fine print keenly and make the choice accordingly.
  • Cashless Network: Go with a maternity insurance plan that offers a wide network of hospitals with cashless treatment facilities. This will help to ensure a hassle-free navigation through hospitalisation and also, reduce out-of-pocket expenses.

Let Care Health Insurance Take Care of Your Maternity Woes

Undoubtedly, maternity cover is a handy feature to have in your maternity health insurance. Sadly, in India no health insurance policy offers maternity coverage under their plans. At Care Health Insurance we exclusively designed our maternity insurance Care Joy catering to the needs of every pregnant woman. However, consider reading the inclusions and exclusions in your health insurance policy to avoid last minute consequences and claim rejection. Happy parenting!

>> Also Read: Factors Before Investing in Maternity Cover

Disclaimer: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

  • Need Assistance? We Will Help!

  • Q. What should I consider before buying a maternity insurance policy?

    Check for factors, such as coverage for delivery and newborn expenses, waiting period, and cashless facility when choosing a maternity health insurance plan.

    Q. Do maternity insurance plans come with no waiting period?

    Typically, no. Most maternity insurance plans come with a waiting period of at least 9 months.

    Q. Can I buy and claim maternity insurance while pregnant?

    No, insurance companies usually do not allow claims if the plan is bought after conception due to waiting period clauses.
