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Published on 24 Apr, 2024
Updated on 10 Mar, 2025
5 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
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The number of cardiovascular diseases across the globe is rising. India being one of the leading countries with active heart cases, it is estimated that one in four deaths in the country is due to CVDs. Stress-ridden and inactive routines, unhealthy habits and genes are the prominent reasons behind this situation. While you may not always be able to avoid such medical issues, when it comes to being prepared, a cardiac care health insurance policy is your safest bet. When you invest in the best health insurance policy for heart patients it goes beyond the benefits of financial security. Along with the protection of your hard-earned savings, you can get the peace of mind even when things go wrong, you will have the right backup.
People who are at risk of cardiovascular diseases must pay attention to a cardiac care health insurance policy. Here is a list of reasons why you may want to invest in the best health insurance for cardiac patients:
With the passing years, the cases of cardiovascular diseases are increasing. As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), every year, around 17.9 million people lose their lives due to heart diseases. Lack of quality treatment is one of the major reasons that you need a cardiac health insurance policy immediately.
The financial burden caused by substantial medical bills during the treatment procedure can be daunting and stressful. People often even have to compromise treatment because of the hefty medical expenses of heart diseases. With the best health insurance for cardiac patients, you have the solid financial back-up.
When you know you have a financial back-up, you no longer have to worry about the expenses. It gives you the freedom to avail the best available medical treatment without compromise.
When it comes to heart insurance, people often look for a comprehensive plan that aligns with their health needs. The financial impact caused by heart disease can be exhausting, and so people look for the best heart health insurance policy for heart patients. With Care Health Insurance, you can personalise your health insurance plan with multiple benefits that make this plan unique from others:
Care Health Insurance offers two types of heart insurance policy: Heart Health insurance and Heart Mediclaim. You may choose one as per your preferences and needs.
Upon diagnosis of a heart disease, your health insurance plan will pay out a lump sum amount that helps with upcoming expenses. From medical treatments to hospitalisation costs and pre- and post-medical expenses, a cardiac care health insurance policy covers all these expenses. Both these policies offer comprehensive sum insured options up to crores.
Care Health Insurance has a wide network of hospitals, where one can easily avail of cashless hospitalisation. With 21600 network healthcare providers, you can easily find one in your vicinity and avail cashless treatment without paying from your pocket.
Optional covers help in creating personalised heart health plans. Along with the basic insurance policy, you can purchase optional covers such as Care Shield, OPD cover, home care etc. to increase the basic coverage.
Care Heart Health Insurance offers Lifelong renewability where you can renew the plan and enjoy the coverage as long as you want.
To promote overall well-being and especially that of heart health, here are certain do’s and don'ts:
Your heart is one of the essential organs and keeping it healthy is a must. With some basic changes in your life, you can ensure the safety and security of your essential organs, like:
Now that you know how to keep your heart healthy and happy, here are a few don'ts to maintain the same:
For cardiovascular well-being, prioritising various heart-healthy lifestyles and practices is a must. Effective stress management, switching to a balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise and meditation, and enough sleep are all a part of this process. Over time, due to the challenges of life and other issues, people often tend to ignore the need for a heart-healthy lifestyle until there's a problem. Do not be one but follow a healthy daily routine.
With Care Health Insurance, you can further ensure a safety financial net for an unforeseen medical emergency. A cardiac care health insurance policy such as Care Heart comes to your rescue in times of medical needs arising due to a heart emergency. The policy comes with comprehensive sum insured options to choose from along with other benefits. Choose the best health insurance policy for heart patients, and let us take care of your medical needs.
>> Also Read: Benefits of Heart Mediclaim
Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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