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calendar_monthPublished on 27 Nov, 2019
autorenewUpdated on 21 Nov, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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We are all often tempted to dig into the sweets and desserts offered at weddings, parties, and get-togethers. However, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, there is no scope for leniency. Completely avoiding the intake of sugar is the best way to keep your blood sugar levels under check.
Nevertheless, if you have a sweet tooth and controlling sugar intake is getting difficult for you, you can opt for some better alternatives and beat your sugar cravings.
Getting quality treatment and health insurance is essential in today’s age of rising health care costs. What is even more essential is a healthy diet and food supplements to help you manage your health condition effectively. With the support of medication, exercise and a healthy diet plan, you can keep the harmful effects of diabetes at bay.
We list some food items with naturally occurring sugar that diabetics can consume.
Fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and sugar. Fruit juices and tropical fruits like mangoes contain high levels of sugar that are not good for diabetics. However, there are certain fruits with low sugar content that are good for diabetic patients. Some options include:
Some more fruit options for diabetics include Papaya, Watermelon, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi, Cherries, Avocadoes, Peaches and Plums.
Chewing gum or mint for diabetics often contains artificial sweeteners and they help in controlling sugar cravings to a great extent. Some products contain Xylitol which is a substance found in many fruits and serves as a sugar substitute. Xylitol contains low calories compared to regular sugar and prevents the rise in blood sugar levels apart from controlling hunger and cravings.
Opting for health insurance plans with diabetes cover helps you deal with the financial expenses arising out of the medical treatment. However, you can significantly curtail your chances of incurring increased medical expenses by strictly following a diet regime with the above-mentioned food items in mind.
Choose Care Health Insurance to pick Diabetes Insurance cover that helps you stay worry-free about your medical treatment expenses.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Diabetes is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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