How to Curb Medical Inflation?


How to Curb Medical Inflation?

Robotic Surgery, balloon sinuplasty, cyberknife, etc. are new normal in medical science.  Today, the survival rate for the treatment for a life-threatening disease is increasing, and giving new hopes to the patients.  However,  this advancement results in a striking shift in medical costs.  In India, medical inflation has been rising more alarmingly at the double rate of overall market inflation. It impacts your finance to a great extent. Medical emergencies, especially during a pandemic, can hit your door anytime. So, if you also see these rising costs and don't know what to do? Here you can read below ways to curb healthcare inflation:

Stay Healthy

The easiest and best way to tackle medical inflation is to stay healthy. There are lots of ways you can do it. Eat right, do exercise regularly, avoid eating junk food, and try to maintain a work-life balance. If you stay in the pinkest of your health, you do not need to go to the hospital and save your hard-earned money. So, start a healthy living schedule right from today.

Invest More

The next thing you should do is invest more to increase your side earnings. The more you earn, the more you can save for the future. These days you can invest in different sources like shares, mutual funds, gold, NPS, etc. It not only gives you extra earnings but enhances your financial strength.

Spend Rationally 

The foremost essential thing you must have learned after the corona outbreak is to spend rationally. Prepare a budget and spend your money according to your preference, family needs, and priority and also try to save a little amount from your earnings every month. You can keep it as a contingency fund and can use it during an emergency.

Opt for Health Insurance

Now, one of the essential things you should do to keep yourself and your family at bay from the ill-effects of healthcare inflation is to opt for health insurance. The medical costs in India are increasing at a faster rate than other goods and services. As a result, it is making medical treatment noticeably more expensive than other things. You can imagine one hospitalization amid corona can cost lakhs of rupees. So, why take the risk? Care Health Insurance offers you Care-the most comprehensive family health insurance. Read how it is helpful?

  • Immediate cashless hospitalization in the network hospital
  • Coverage for in-patient and pre and post hospitalization expenses
  • Hassle-free claim settlement with minimum documentation 
  • Annual health check-ups with Coverage for Pre-existing diseases, critical illnesses, chronic disease, and coronavirus( subject to policy terms & conditions)
  • Cover for daycare treatment, chemotherapy, and dialysis
  • Coverage for domiciliary hospitalization, ambulance, alternative treatments, and second opinion
  • Available as individual and family floater
  • Buy online at an affordable premium 

Therefore, look at yours and your family's needs and pick the health policy that covers medical expenses during an emergency. It can make a big difference and help you a lot to curb medical inflation.

Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

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