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If you are on a journey to combat a weak metabolism or to lose weight, you would have come across the term ‘Intermittent fasting’.


A cumulative review from around 40 separate studies suggests that a planned intermittent fasting schedule can help you reduce from 3-4 kg over ten weeks.


But what is Intermittent Fasting? How does it help to lose weight? Let's discover. 


Let’s Decode  Intermittent Fasting


As the name suggests, Intermittent Fasting is the process of eating and fasting at irregular (or) short intervals of time. In simple words, intermittent fasting is a dieting plan where it is not focused on what to eat but on when to eat. Intermittent Fasting benefits in weight loss by limiting calorie intake in the diet and enhancing fat absorption. 


Why is Intermittent Fasting Needed?


The nutritional contents that you take in the form of a balanced diet do not get completely utilised because of the unusual sitting hours of an individual. Today, we are so engrossed in desk jobs or online classes that we hardly get time to do active work. As a result, we eat more while the food gets stored in our bodies without getting digested. The four macromolecules in our diet, i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, get digested chronologically. Due to the lack of active work, longer  time is taken in the digestion of these molecules. In most cases, the individual resumes eating before the complete food is digested. The undigested lipid molecules in such scenarios get deposited into the body's abdominal and thigh regions, resulting in obesity. 


For people who lack active work in their day-to-day routine, intermittent Fasting can be the go-to option.


What are the Types of Intermittent Fasting?


Experts design several types of intermittent fasting plans to meet the needs of individuals with various lifestyles. Here are the most opted intermittent fasting plans:

  1. 5:2 method
  2. 16:8 method
  3. Warrior diet method
  4. Alternate-day Fasting
  5. Eat-stop-Eat method 

The diet plans mentioned above may have different effects from one individual to another. Hence, you are suggested to choose a diet plan as prescribed by your dietician. Here's a short description of all the intermittent fasting types for your reference:


5:2 Method of Intermittent Fasting

In this method of Intermittent Fasting, you will be advised to follow a diet plan with a ratio of 5:2. Herein, you can eat five days a week and follow up with two consecutive fast days. 

According to a study made by PubMed in 2018, the 5:2 method of intermittent fasting is an effective method of glucose level control for people with type 2 diabetes.

16:8 Method of Intermittent Fasting

The 16:8 fasting plan is the most commonly adopted method of Fasting. In this method, you are suggested to fast continuously for 16 hours and then take a diet within 8 hours. In the 16:8 method of intermittent fasting, you can fast for 16 hours straight by skipping either breakfast or dinner.

Warrior Diet Method of Intermittent Fasting

The roots of the warrior diet method head back to 2001. In this method, you will be suggested to eat very little for 20 hours and as much as you intend to during the rest four hours of the day. The warrior diet method is also suitable as it doesn't resist (in other terms, tempt) you to eat throughout your day and motivates you to do healthy snacking.

Alternate Day Fasting

Alternate day fasting is an easy-to-remember intermittent fasting plan where you get to eat one day and fast the next day. This fasting plan is found to be equally effective when compared to the 16:8 hours fasting method..

Eat-Stop-Eat Method of Intermittent Fasting

Eat-stop-Eat method of intermittent fasting is a fasting method where you take your regular diet on five days of the week and fast for 24 hours on 1 or 2 non-consecutive days. Topping off this fasting method with yoga gives efficient weight loss results.

5 Ways How  Intermittent Fasting Helps in Weight loss

The above-mentioned methods of intermittent fasting are the most popularly practiced.  You may wonder how does Intermittent Fasting help in weight loss. Here you go: 

Intermittent Fasting Burns Fats

Intermittent Fasting is a practice in which prolonged periods allow the body's digestive system to burn fats after completely digesting the carbohydrates. Although the process is slow, this digestion of the stored fats results in weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting Reduces Calorie Intake

Intermittent Fasting reduces calorie intake in your diet, given that you do not overeat. This way  intermittent fasting reduces calorie intake. A reduced calorie intake in the body will mean more digestion of stored fats, which may lead to reduced weight.

Intermittent Fasting Helps in Practicing Mindful Eating

Once you start following Intermittent Fasting, you get the motivation to follow mindful eating. You only eat what is nutritious, which will help you to get through your long fasting periods.  

Suppose you are practicing the alternate-day fasting method on the non-fasting day. You will be highly motivated to eat more dietary fibers that will get easily digested and result in weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting Gives Enough Window for Digestion

The sedentary lifestyle leads us to overeating that doesn't even get digested! In such a case, practicing intermittent fasting will ensure that your body gets enough time to digest and utilise what you have eaten.

Intermittent Fasting helps you to utilise all the energy, which means no nutrients will be stored in the form of fats.

Intermittent Fasting Enhances Metabolism

Although long-term continuous fasting may result in a drop-down in metabolism, studies suggest that short-term fasting plans may increase metabolism by up to 14%! Intermittent Fasting is a dieting practice that increases the release of fat-burning hormones such as norepinephrine. Norepinephrine; as a result, burns fats, enhances the metabolism of the body, and results in weight loss.

Wait! Intermittent Fasting is Not for Everybody!

Although intermittent fasting is gaining popularity day by day, this may or may not be the right procedure for you to lose weight! Hence, it is always suggested that you follow the practice only after proper consultation with your dietician. 

Individuals with high caloric needs, pregnant or breastfeeding ladies, ones who are already underweight, young people below 18 years old, and people who are struggling to gain weight should strictly avoid intermittent fasting! 

People with any disorder, such as type 1 & type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart-related problems, may benefit from Intermittent Fasting. We’re repeating- start a diet plan only after consulting the diet experts! 

What are the Common Risk Factors of Intermittent Fasting?

Although your dietician suggests you to go for planned intermittent fasting, chances are that you may still feel uncomfortable during the initial days. Do not worry if any of the following symptoms are visible during the initial days: 

  • Hunger and cravings
  • Low blood sugar and fatigue
  • Digestive issues 
  • Headaches and lightheadedness
  • Mood swings 
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Dehydration
  • Bad breath etc.

You may experience a  few or all of the above-mentioned symptoms in the initial days of intermittent fasting. Hence, you are suggested to see a doctor if the condition persists.

Final Verdict

Although the news has it that intermittent fasting is a very effective method for weight loss, concrete studies on base for the same are still lacking. Hence, it is suggested that everyone take prior consultation with an expert before starting to follow an intermittent fasting plan. 

Do you know? Your Health Insurance Plan from Care health insurance can back you up if you are struggling with Obesity, Hypertension, or Diabetes. 

When Intermittent Fasting denotes the most popular proverb- "prevention is better than cure," having "Care freedom", a health insurance plan for your financial backup in times of need is always a wise choice.  The plan helps you to rest assured in terms of chronic health ailments such as Obesity, Hypertension, and Diabetes.

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter’s discretion.

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