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calendar_monthPublished on 7 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 9 Dec, 2022
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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In the human body, three membranes cover the brain and spinal cord. These membranes are called meninges. Meningitis is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation in meninges. It is a severe disease and can be life-threatening in some cases. It can happen to anybody; however, children and older adults are more vulnerable due to weak immune system. This deadly disease requires immediate and advance treatment. However, at times, it becomes difficult for the people to arrange funds for the treatment of such lethal infection immediately. Such financial crises trigger the need for health insurance.
So, let’s understand its symptoms, treatment, and how a health insurance plan is helpful.
The most common causes of this viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. However, it can occur due to some of these reasons as well:
It is a contagious disease. Inflectional bacteria can transmit from one person to another through sneezing or coughing. Read its symptoms:
You can find several types of meningitis, but the most common forms of this deadly disease are:
Viral Meningitis- It is the most common type of meningitis, and most of the people get infected during the summer season. It is not severe and sometimes goes away even without treatment.
Bacterial Meningitis- It is contagious and caused by infection from certain bacteria. It can damage your respiratory tract, sinus, and skin. Often fatal if not treated timely.
Fungal Meningitis- It is a rare form of meningitis and caused by a fungus that infects your body and then spreads from your bloodstream to your brain or spinal cord.
Its treatment procedure depends on its nature after diagnosed with its type. The treatment plan includes:
Increasing medical inflation and vaccination costs of such diseases can derail your finance. We offer Care Health Insurance Policy for Bacterial Meningitis that acts as your safeguard during medical emergencies. Read below its benefits:
Life is not predictable, but you should always be ready to face any challenge strongly. Health insurance gives you financial protection to a great extent that helps you combat medical emergencies such as meningitis without fail. So grab it now!
*Note: Please note underwriting of claims for Meningitis is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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