How can You Help Your Family Member Struggling with Addiction?


How can You Help Your Family Member Struggling with Addiction?

As per various researches more than 87 million people consume alcohol, and over 0.6 million people are into illegal drugs. Most people have a regular habit of consuming intoxicants. It can be in the form of alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, or drugs. Long-term exposure to intoxicants leads to addiction, which eventually turns into physical and mental health problems. Not just in India, but people across the globe are affected by addiction.

Reasons behind addiction may vary, ranging from social distress, work pressure, family problems, wrong company, and so on. Read on as we help you understand what contributes to an addictive attitude and how it impacts the health of an individual. Also, learn how, as a family, you can help a family member struggling with addiction and overcome this difficult phase.

What is an Addiction?

Addiction, in simpler terms, is an uncontrolled habit, say smoking. Addiction primarily affects one's brain and activates dopamine receptors in the brain. When dopamine receptors activate, your brain starts to adjust and make you feel that a particular element, say nicotine, is a positive habit. It starts to feel like a reward, and gradually, your brain depends on that particular element.

Long-term exposure to a drug can make you physically and mentally sick and also lead to various diseases. Usually, young people are more prone to addiction owing to the changing phase of life and the ease of availability of certain elements, like cigarettes. Different types of addiction can affect you in different ways and hinder day-to-day activities as well. In this article, we will discuss what to say to a family member struggling with addiction and how you can help them.

Early Signs of Addiction

The first step towards helping a family member with addiction is to understand the initial signs of an addiction. It can be difficult, but patience and understanding can help the situation. In this journey the following signs of addiction will help you tackle the situation:

1. Uncontrolled Use

The very first sign of an addiction is a lack of control. Once you are addicted, it becomes difficult to say no to it and avoid the substance.

2. Low Socialisation

You may witness a change in the socialising pattern of your addicted family member. For instance, they may stop hanging out with old friends who are not into addictive substances and may make new friends  with similar addiction.

3. Lack of Consciousness

People may also tend to lose general awareness when intoxicated. For instance, it is a basic sense of not sharing drug needles with friends or using a used needle, as it can impact your health in many ways.

4. Health Effects

Continuous use of drugs or intoxicants can lead to health effects. Not only does it impact physical health but also mental health.

5. No Feeling of Remorse

After a certain point of continuous usage of drugs, people stop feeling remorse after using the substance. An addict may start convincing themself that it is okay to continue. Losing the feeling of remorse for leaving the substance is not there.

6. It looks Cool!

A large number of youngsters are into drug abuse because of peer pressure. It is a glamorous fad where smoking, drinking, and drug use are cool and happening. Hence, to be a part of this so-called ‘cool people’ group, some may get into drugs and become addicted.

What are the Types of Addiction?

Addiction can be of anything. It necessarily does not have to be a drug or alcohol. Gambling can be an equally harmful addiction. Various types of addiction can be:

  • Nicotine
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Aerosol products
  • Medicines
  • Spray paints
  • Gambling
  • Whitener
  • Cough syrup
  • Chalks
  • Cleaning agents
  • Porn
  • Sex
  • Shopping
  • Games, especially mobile or video games.

Not every habit can be categorised as an addiction. One generally goes through the experimental phase first. It is a phase when a person is not yet addicted but is definitely into regular use of a substance or a habit. When such a habit is left untreated, it may eventually turn into addiction.

>> Also Read: Protect Your Family from Critical Diseases with the Best Health Insurance

How can You Help a Family Member Struggling with Addiction?

Planned intervention, either by yourself or with the help of a counsellor and professional, is the only  addiction treatment left. Remember, forceful intervention or judgemental taunts can make the situation worse.

The very first step is to acknowledge and understand that your family is against this problem of addiction and not against the person addicted. Hence, it may take a few longer for them to acknowledge the problem and work towards it. 

Once you are aware of the type of addiction, your family member is going through, the next step is to gather information on the matter. You may take the help of a professional or trusted  sources (online websites) to gather basic information regarding the particular addiction. Once you know, you need to carve out a plan. The plan must include how, when, and where you need to confront them. It is important to make them understand that you are genuinely concerned about the family effects of addiction and not being judgemental towards them.

Be careful of  your every word. Go gradual and take one step at a time. Focus on convincing them to give up the substance or the habit of addiction. Pointing out the benefits of quitting and talking about how families are affected by addiction is also important. If you do not feel confident enough, you may seek a counsellor's help. However, as far as possible, let them decide the mode of help.

Keep a follow-up. Make sure to keep an eye on your addicted family members without directly interfering with their personal space. Help them the way they are comfortable with. You may help them change their friend circle or habits that trigger their addiction. Slowly and gradually, your consistent efforts may help get rid of addiction.

To Conclude

Recognising the actual problem as soon as possible is quintessential. Talking to the person addicted with an open mind and comfortably is the first step towards curing the problem.  The key is not to panic and feel overwhelmed but to work together as a family to get over the problem of addiction. 

When it comes to taking care of your health or availing quality healthcare, health insurance always plays a pivotal role by providing much-needed financial shield in the times of an emergency. There are insurance providers who offer coverage to people with the habit of smoking as well. Hence, if you are looking to cover your family or any of your closed ones is addicted to smoking or other addictions, you should inform the insurer beforehand to avoid consequences.

Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.


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