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Published on 23 Jun, 2022
Updated on 27 Oct, 2023
3 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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Every year, approximately 523 million people get affected by heart disease, the leading cause of mortality globally. The battle against heart disease and stroke could be won or lost at the grocery store.
Surprised? Let us explain!
According to the researchers, poor eating habits speak out as a major factor that increases the risk of death associated with chronic diseases. Numerous studies show a direct link between what you eat and your life expectancy. Although you may be aware that certain superfoods can reduce the risk of heart disease, changing your eating patterns can be difficult. Read on to know how switching to a vegan diet can help you maintain a healthy heart.
And believe us, it's super easy to follow. Here you go!
Veganism has grown in popularity in recent years all over the world. Many organizations have emphasized the ethical benefits of following a vegan diet, which is a major factor for many people who follow a vegan diet. Veganism entails eliminating all animal and animal-based foods from your diet, which is beneficial to animal welfare. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts are vegan diet staples. These foods are high in fiber, antioxidants, and compounds that aid disease prevention.
Adopting a vegan diet also has numerous health benefits, as evidenced by multiple studies and books published in the last decade. A vegan diet does not include animal products like meat, dairy, or eggs. When done correctly, it can be healthy and nutritious, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and aid in weight loss. According to research, a balanced diet can also improve your heart health, protect against cancer, and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.
A vegan diet can also help to reduce the risk of:
Vegan diets generally have been known for lowering the risk of heart disease. Compared to omnivores, observational studies review suggests that vegan eaters may have an 8–32 percent lower risk of developing heart disease. Below suggested are some of the well-known benefits of following a vegan diet:
The aforementioned benefits have proven the importance of a vegan diet and how it helps in reducing the risk of major lifestyle diseases. The ratio of people getting infected by heart-related diseases is quite alarming. Research says the number of annual deaths due to heart ailments is supposed to rise from 2.26 million in 1990 to 4.77 million in 2022. Thus, it is high time we should keep a close eye on our daily food intake. And above all, we should consider buying health insurance that offers comprehensive coverage for such ailments.
Having said that, if you are looking for a policy that can aid you with multiple benefits during a health emergency, you can consider buying Care Heart, comprehensive health insurance offered by Care Health Insurance. This uniquely designed policy covers the hospitalization expenses owing to heart disease and keeps you refrain from breaking the bank.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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