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Written by Mudit Handa
Reviewed by Care Health Insurance
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For most women, pregnancy brings a spectrum of unique experiences- joy, anticipation, and physical changes. Women navigate diverse emotions, sometimes on a daily basis. From the wonder of feeling their baby's first kick to coping with hormonal fluctuations, every trimester unfolds new sensations. Pregnant women prioritise their baby's health, embracing various precautions. Sometimes, however, expectant mothers explore home remedies during pregnancy for common discomforts like nausea or heartburn. Pregnancy herbs or pregnancy teas, though not a new practice in India, have been known to offer multiple benefits.
While some remedies, like honey and lemon water or ginger tea for pregnancy, offer relief, caution is vital. If you or anyone you know is expecting, then it is essential that you consult your doctor before trying any home remedies. Ensuring safety is crucial, as some pregnancy herbs, may have adverse effects on maternal and fetal health. While there are some fertility herbs to get pregnant fast, it is also believed that there are certain herbs that cause abortion. It is, therefore, essential to get the right guidance about herbal teas safe for pregnancy and also about postpartum tinctures. Read on as we discuss all about herbs in pregnancy: what’s safe, what’s not.
If you are someone who has been trying to get pregnant for some time, then you may have heard about natural herbs to help get pregnant. There have been some studies in the past that show that there are certain herbs to get pregnant fast. Let us take a look at the most popular ones:
Said to be among the best herbs for fertility, Shatavari, also called asparagus, is like a tonic for the female reproductive system.
If you are looking for fertility herbs to get pregnant fast, then you can also consider ashwagandha. Having been used in traditional medicines, it is known to improve erection, sperm count and the quality of semen in men. It is common among herbs to help get pregnant.
Studies propose that chaste berry can help in regulating the menstrual cycle. It can be used as herbal teas safe for pregnancy.
>> Also Read: 7 Complications of Pregnancy & Their Solution
Pregnancy may often be accompanied by nausea, morning sickness, back pain, and anxiety. While taking medicines is not always advisable, you may want to contemplate using home remedies such as herbal teas safe for pregnancy. While herbal remedies are generally considered to be a safe and healthy option, taking them during pregnancy requires extra vigilance. Let us take a look at herbs in pregnancy: what’s safe, what’s not:
The following pregnancy herbs are considered safe when taken in moderation:
This spicy, aromatic herb has a special place in almost all Indian kitchens. Most pregnant women take ginger tea for pregnancy, while some find ginger ale to be a reliever in treating nausea.
One of the most used herbs, peppermint, can be used in more ways than one when you are expecting. While avoiding a large amount is recommended, mint is useful in reducing nausea and flatulence. You can use it as pregnancy teas, add it to your lemonade, or in a chutney as well.
You may have a cold while you are pregnant, and popping a pill might not be the recommended solution. It can be used as an essential oil to relieve sinuses.
An easy and safe way to prevent UTIs, urinary tract infections, that are common in pregnancy, is drinking cranberry juice. Prefer freshly made, less sugary, homemade cranberry juice.
Disturbed sleep can be one of the discomforts your pregnancy may bring for you. Delicious and soothing, you can enjoy chamomile tea once or twice a day. It is known for its calming aroma and aids a peaceful sleep.
Studies show that red raspberry leaf can support a healthy pregnancy. It is helpful in toning the uterus and helps you prepare for an easy delivery. It is also considered to expedite labour and thus reduce interventions and/ or complications during birth.
Just the natural label cannot guarantee safety. It's, hence, essential to approach herbal solutions with caution. Given below are some herbs that you should take only in small amounts or completely refrain from, as some of these are said to be herbs that cause miscarriages:
Name of the Herb | Possible Effects |
Cotton root | Can over-stimulate the womb |
Clove | Liver troubles and/ or blood clotting |
Jasmine | Can cause miscarriage or premature labour |
Aloe Vera | Can cause birth defects |
Cinnamon | Overuse can cause liver toxicity |
Nutmeg | Miscarriage or premature labour |
Saffron | Overuse may over-stimulate the womb |
Rosemary | Overuse may cause contractions |
Oregano | Miscarriage or premature labour |
Garlic | Miscarriage, contractions or premature labour |
Fennel | Allergic reactions, contractions or premature labour |
Mistletoe | Increased blood pressure, over-stimulation of the womb |
Fenugreek | Miscarriage or premature labour |
During pregnancy, your dietary choices can profoundly impact your baby's development. As an expectant mother, you need to be vigilant when selecting foods. Prioritising nutrient-rich, safe and balanced meals is important. Taking herbs for morning sickness, in moderation, can be a good idea. However, in case the problem persists, you can take the help of your doctor. You also need to know that while pregnancy teas are considered to be safe, it is best to discuss any major alterations with your doctor. Also, keep a watchful eye on herbs that cause abortion to avoid any trouble.
When it comes to prioritising your health and planning a healthy pregnancy, keep in mind that a health insurance policy is vital. Care Health Insurance allows you to enjoy comprehensive coverage to help you sail through the financial implications of medical urgency. Care Joy is one such plan that encompasses medical expenses, consultations, and care for both mother and newborn, offering you peace of mind during this precious journey into parenthood.
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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