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Published on 23 Apr, 2020
Updated on 27 Oct, 2023
2 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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Maintaining liver health is essential to facilitate proper metabolism and help the body in fighting off infections and cleaning the blood. When the normal functioning of the liver gets affected, the body begins to show symptoms and seeking doctor’s appointment becomes necessary.
Detecting a liver ailment at an early stage helps in curbing further damage to the body and makes treatment easy. Health experts also advise people to opt for the Best Health Insurance plan so that they can manage the expenses linked with medical treatment with utmost ease.
Among the various factors that lead to liver problems such as alcohol use and obesity, infections caused by Hepatitis viruses are a major cause of concern.
We explain how to protect your liver from being infected by deadly parasites and viruses.
The most common liver infections are those caused by Hepatitis viruses namely Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. The viruses can enter the body via the bloodstream, during blood transfusion, through contaminated water and food or by direct contact with an infected person.
The effects could be seen as an inflammation that occurs in the liver, thus reducing the normal functions of this vital organ. That is, the ability of the liver to neutralise the toxins gets hampered and makes it prone to infections.
- Vaccination: Taking precautionary measures is the best way to avoid a major health problem. Speak to your physician about the necessary vaccination to prevent the risks of getting infected by the Hepatitis viruses. Vaccination is particularly required if you have been infected by any form of hepatitis in the past.
- Medications: Unmonitored medication is a key factor for liver infections. Recently, experts at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have said that consumption of health supplements or complementary and alternative medicines, especially those prescribed by quacks, can cause injury to the liver. Studies have shown that drugs for curing tuberculosis, chemotherapy, antibiotics or antiepileptic drugs result in liver injury. Make sure you consume medicines prescribed by registered health practitioners and that too the prescribed dosage.
- Weight Management: Since obesity can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, maintaining healthy weight is vital for liver health. Alcohol consumption is also responsible for fatty liver condition. Make sure you lead a healthy lifestyle by following an exercise regime and eating nutritious foods. Green tea, Garlic, Broccoli, Nuts, Avocadoes, etc. are some good foods recommended for acute liver injury.
- Minimise risks: Since Hepatitis viruses can spread through bloodstream, it is important to exercise caution during body piercings, tattoos, blood transfusions or use of needles for injections. Ensure protection against aerosol sprays, insecticides and toxic chemicals.
Small lifestyle changes go a long way in achieving healthy liver functioning. Maintaining alcohol consumption to moderate levels and an ideal body weight is the first step towards meeting this objective. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is already working towards eliminating Hepatitis. Individuals must also take efforts on their part to keep liver infections at bay by taking necessary precautions.
Mediclaim by Care Health Insurance is a health plan that will cover your medical expenses and save you from taking any financial load during health-related emergencies.
Disclaimer: The information shared in this article is only for reference purpose. Underwriting of claims for liver diseases subject to policy terms and conditions.
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