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calendar_monthPublished on 30 Jan, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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It’s undeniable that health and diet go hand in hand. Your food choice is one of the factors that ward off many chronic liver ailments. Eating habits greatly impact how you feel today and what the future holds for you in terms of good health. Liver diseases can be prevented by having liver friendly foods. Therefore, the foods that are good for liver is crucial to fight liver diseases.
Following a healthy liver diet can make a massive difference to your liver health. Check out below healthy diet tips that prevent liver problems and share them with your loved ones.
Go for Your Favourite Fruits: An apple daily keeps a doctor away. It is true! Fruits are the staple of a healthy diet. They have lots of antioxidants, calcium, minerals, and vitamins. You can add fruit salads and fresh fruit juices to your daily food. Guava, banana, papaya, pineapple, and orange are the fruits that you can opt for.
Eat Leafy Veggies: Make your food plate colourful with vivacious leafy veggies such as spinach, broccoli, tomato, bell peppers, carrots, garlic, and Bok Choy. They help you stay low on calories and vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
Take Dairy Products: Dairy products such as milk, cheese, buttermilk, and soy are rich in calcium and Vitamin D, which is necessary for the liver's health. Having a dairy product at least once in your daily meals is good.
Increase Fibre: Fibre keeps your tummy full and lowers your blood cholesterol. Increase the intake of fibre-rich food such as whole grains, oats, nuts, berries, and beans.
Smoking, Alcohol, and Tobacco are Big No: These products increase the chances of liver cancer and damage it immensely. So, say no to all of them if you want to keep your liver healthy.
Reduce Sodium Intake: You should also reduce your sodium intake. According to the experts, you should take 2.3 grams of salt daily to stay healthy.
A balanced diet for sure prevents liver ailments, but to keep your liver works well, you should follow some healthy tips as well. Read below what they are:
With the consultation of health experts, we have a healthy liver-diet that helps your liver to function smoothly.
>>Also Check: Mediclaim Policy
A healthy diet can be a challenge initially, but the more you make it a daily routine, it will be easier for you. Hence, counting your calories, eating right, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having sound health insurance policy helps you to stay fight liver problems and prevent them in the near future; after all, it’s all about your loving liver.
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