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Written by Care Health Insurance
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If you have chronic back pain and looking for a sustainable way to treat it instead of popping on the allopathy medicines, try alternative therapies. Muscle pain in the back is one of the most common health conditions among Indians that exaggerate muscle tension and stress. Medication is just an instant pain reliever but not a long term solution. So, departing the conventional medicines to treat pain, switch to these alternative treatments with no side effects, and have viable results. Let's understand in detail about these alternative healthcare treatments and their benefits:
It is an ancient Chinese technique use to treat different types of muscular disorders, including back pain, headaches, etc. In this therapy, hair-thin needles are used to insert at the key points to ease the back pain. These needles have no medication and leave on the trigger points for 20-40 minutes. These needles prompt your body to release certain neurochemicals, such as endorphins, that reduce the pain. Like acupuncture, acupressure works along with the same principles, where practitioners use their thumbs, fingers, and elbows to hit the target area to get the relief.
Practicing yoga and tai chi is beneficial for severe health conditions like back pain. It also improves body function, endurance, and immunity. Different comfortable yoga postures (asanas) help you to alleviate your pain. It also teaches you breathing techniques that link your mind and body. Using inhalation and exhalation correctly gives a deep sense of relaxation and increases your muscle flexibility and strength.
>>Click here to know how yoga boosts immunity
For chronic back pain, you can opt for a massage to ease your pain, reduce stress and anxiety. Massage therapists use their fingers and hands to press and manipulate your target muscles and soft tissues accurately. There are different types of massage techniques in combination with several ayurvedic massage oils. From deep tissue massage to a hot stone massage, your therapists can suggest it to you based on your back pain intensity to rub away your pain and relief muscle inflammation.
It is a process that makes you learn how to change physiological activity to treat chronic pain. This therapy consists of sensors placed on the body to take the measurements and feedback of brainwaves, breathing, muscle activity, heart function, and skin temperature. After that, the real-time data combined with the changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior. It helps to improve physical and mental health.
There are different types of mind-body therapies that help the mind's and body's ability to refrain back pain symptoms. Relaxation techniques, Mantra meditation, Mindfulness meditation, Transcendental meditation helps manage chronic pain, improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety disorders. You can take a few minutes every day to get inner peace.
If you are considering alternative treatments for back pain, it's advisable to consult with your doctor. Always go for the treatment that is best to alleviate your pain and healthcare. Do not make treatment cost as your constraint. Opt for Arogya Sanjeevani Health Policy offered by Care Health Insurance covers the conventional and advanced treatment for chronic and critical illnesses with alternative therapies coverage under AYUSH. So, leave those hazards painkillers and give yourself viable relief from back pain today itself.
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only for reference purposes. Underwriting of claims is subject to policy terms and conditions..
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