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calendar_monthPublished on 30 Jan, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 27 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Do you know, that India ranks third in the Global Obesity Rankings? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of obesity has tripled in the last four decades. Nearly, 1 out of 5 adults in India are suffering from obesity. Obesity is an increasing health problem that affects individuals of all age groups. It occurs when excessive weight is accumulated in the body. Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or above are considered obese. If an individual’s BMI lies in the range of 25 and 29.9, then he or she is considered overweight. This scale is used to determine the medical condition and its severity.
Obesity can be caused due to various reasons, such as metabolism imbalance, sedentary lifestyle, and consumption of junk food. It gives rise to various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory disorders:
Let us take a close look at how obesity is harmful to your health:
Being overweight increases the risk of developing type II diabetes. The chances of developing diabetes increases if bodyweight is higher. As per the research, it has been found that obesity leads to stress in the endoplasmic reticulum that restrains the insulin receptors, which in turn causes insulin resistance.
Obesity is considered one of the common causes of hypertension. It affects various hormonal levels in the body, the most affected is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This system helps in controlling the blood volume of the body and water retention. Both of these factors are responsible for smooth regulation of blood pressure, and it is because of obesity, it often leads to hypertension.
People with obesity are more prone to developing the risk of heart diseases. It triggers the inflammatory process that is harmful to the cardiovascular system. It can also increase the risk of causing arrhythmia in the upper chambers of the heart that causes the formation of blood clots leading to stroke and other heart-related ailments. For treating various heart ailments, you can buy Heart Care Mediclaim that is available at an affordable rate. This Mediclaim insurance covers major heart ailments.
Getting sick is not something that is in your hands, agree? Therefore, having a health insurance plan helps you in taking care of your healthcare needs and avoid financial impact caused by unforeseen medical emergencies. You can consider Family Health Insurance Plan-Care from Care Health Insurance. This comprehensive health insurance plan provides the following benefits:
With the rising medical costs, buying a health insurance plan has become the need of the hour. Hence, ensuring your family against health insurance should be a part of family planning.
So, if you or any of your loved ones are suffering from obesity, then you can buy this comprehensive family health insurance plan that provides maximum coverage at affordable prices. So, there is no need to fret over the rising medical costs as you can opt for a family health insurance plan offered by Care Health Insurance.
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