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calendar_monthPublished on 11 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 21 Jun, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) is a lethal virus that drastically affects the body's immune system. As a result, the body gets infected with several diseases and disorders. HIV care and treatment include antiretroviral therapy (ART), along with medication and regular check-ups. The treatment is complex and has a mountain of expenses. Earlier, considering the high death risk of HIV patients, most health insurance companies exclude HIV treatment from the scope of their policy coverage. However, due to the urge of IRDAI, rising inflation, medical advancement, and increased longevity rate, now positive patients can get the coverage. Let's explore more about health insurance for HIV patients:
HIV patients can now live a healthy life. They can afford their treatment with the support of health insurance. Below are the points referring to its coverage:
>>Also Read What is Not Covered Under Health Insurance Policy (Health Insurance Exclusions)
Healthcare technology is upwelling. Advanced treatments have brought a sense of optimism and hope for people who have HIV/AIDS. The right health policy makes it possible for patients to afford their treatment without any financial implications. Read below its exclusive benefits:
We, at Care Health Insurance, maintain the utmost privacy of our customers. All the personal details, medical records, data, diagnosis, and information of HIV infected people are kept confidential. Therefore, patients can relax and normally live in society. However, health insurance seekers should know that the coverage under health insurance for hiv patients is subject to policy terms & conditions. For every positive patient, proper care and treatment help reduce the viral load and help them recover better and live a healthy life.
Our most comprehensive health insurance product Care- cater to your health care needs. It not only gives coverage for modern treatments like Robotic Surgery, HIV/AIDS but also covers several chronic and critical illnesses like cancer, kidney failure, heart ailment, and so on. We have 24800+ cashless healthcare providers. It is the most adequate health insurance plans gives you a ray of hopes and healthy life.
>> Also Read Information about HIV Patients and Changes Made by IRDAI
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for HIV disease is subject to policy terms & conditions.
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