Care Insurance
  • Published on 14 Oct, 2020

    Updated on 7 Feb, 2024


    2 min Read

With the novel coronavirus around posing a health risk, certain things have found a place in our daily routine, such as hand washing, social distancing, sanitizing the house, and eating healthy foods to boost immunity. Yes, our diet is pivotal in ensuring that our immune system remains strong to fight diseases. But, did you know that exercises too can be beneficial in increasing the body’s immunity? It is true, and scientists have proved the link between exercise and improved immune response. This fact can motivate you to go for physical exercises to boost immunity and improve your overall health.

Do Exercises Boost the Immune System?

There are numerous health benefits of exercise for everyone, irrespective of age. They help maintain body weight, reduce blood pressure, and improve heart health. Moreover, they promote good circulation, thus enabling cells and substances of the body’s immune system to move freely and work efficiently.

Moreover, exercises have long-term health benefits. With regular exercises to boost immune system, one would gain the advantage as it slows down the changes that occur in the immune system due to ageing. So, the risk of infections reduces, that is, enabling the body to fight off infections.

Stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet are significant factors linked to low immunity. So, it becomes essential to take health care measures to strengthen the body’s natural defense system. In the present situation of the pandemic, there is a greater need for safety measures and reducing our exposure to the virus. However, one cannot ignore the benefits of exercising. One can do simple exercises at home. Experts suggest regular moderate-intensity exercises, such as walking and jogging for at least 30 minutes a day and five days a week.

>> Check: Here’s How Good Sleep Habits Can Boost Your Immunity

The Power of Yoga for Immunity Boosting

The ancient practice of yoga is known to augment the body’s ability to fight against diseases. It greatly works towards decreasing the stress hormones, regulating sleep, strengthening the nervous system, and stimulating the lymph flow and detoxifying the body.

Try these simple yoga exercises for immunity:

  • Sukhasana or Easy pose
  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
  • Uttanasana or Forward Bend
  • Matsyasana or Fish Pose
  • Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose
  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose 

Yoga experts also say that pranayam or deep breathing is an effective way to improve lung capacity and the body’s immunity. This form of exercise will increase blood circulation and also help the immune system regenerate.

Final Word

When aiming to improve the immune system, one needs to adopt a holistic approach and focus on all aspects. It not only involves eating healthy and immunity-boosting foods but also making the right lifestyle choices, such as managing stress and getting a minimum of 7 or 8 hours of sleep in a day. Additionally, one should make exercises an integral part of their daily routine to reap the health benefits. Yoga and other physical activities have anti-inflammatory effects and enable the immune system to work better.

It is essential to keep the immune system healthy to prevent any illness. Considering the risks and symptoms of coronavirus disease that lead to respiratory problems, one should choose exercises to boost the immune system and give the body the power to fight against viruses.

While you follow the steps to protect you and your loved ones, you will also need the support of a health insurance cover that will give you a protective cover against medical emergencies. Select Coronavirus Health Insurance cover from Care Health Insurance. 

Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only for reference purposes. Underwriting of claims for COVID-19 is subject to policy terms and conditions.

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