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Published on 2 Dec, 2024
Updated on 16 Dec, 2024
4 min Read
Written by Jyotsana Shekhawat
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Pasta–a creamy, richly flavoured dish–often gets labelled as a carb-heavy meal that will do nothing but ruin your health. But it doesn’t have to. If you take just a notch up on creativity, you can turn this famously guilt-filled delight into a healthy pasta recipe.
Luckily, there are a variety of healthy foods with pasta that ensure your taste buds don’t compromise on deliciousness. At the same time, each one of those pasta recipes are healthy. Wondering how that works? Let’s continue reading below and explore a curated selection of healthy pasta recipes and the benefits they unlock.
With the right mix of ingredients, you can turn your plate of pasta into bites of comfort and healthy food. All you need to do is swap traditional pasta for whole-grain or veggie-clad options. Here are our 4 best pasta recipe ideas for you:
Whole wheat pasta is loaded with fibre and nutrients, giving you a reason to cook up healthy food recipes with pasta. Not to mention, the presence of vegetables can turn your meal into a balanced, wholesome delight.
#ProTip: You can spruce it up with fresh basil and just a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
Chickpea is a high-fibre, high-protein option that strikes perfect Mediterranean flavours. Besides, it can be your go-to meal if you’re looking for some quick eat-fix. Let’s tap into the recipe process for what sounds like delicious and healthy pasta recipe:
#ProTip: Serve chilled, garnished with fresh parsley.
Avocado is dense with creamy texture–and has no heavy cream to it–which can make it the perfect addition to your food recipes with pasta. Read on to know this pasta recipe below:
#ProTip: Garnish with red pepper flakes.
Need more drama while eating healthy foods with pasta? Try chicken pesto zucchini. With the goodness of nutrient-rich ingredients and the added punch of grilled chicken–this healthy pasta dish can give you the best of both worlds.
#ProTip: Season the recipe with salt and pepper.
You are more likely to meet people who find pasta unhealthy than the ones who see it as a part of a healthy diet. While it is loved by almost everyone who’s ever had a bite of it, the mention of pasta rings the ‘unhealthy’ alert at the back of the mind.
Now, let us discuss the surprising benefits of pasta recipes:
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These healthy pasta recipes are proof of why you need not sacrifice flavours at the dining table just to enjoy nutritious meals. With a little bit of modifications in ingredients, you can have both–enjoyment as well as good health. Add to that the amazing benefits a healthy pasta dish has for your overall health, be it immunity or weight management.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Please discuss with your nutritionist before adding pastas to your daily diets.
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