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calendar_monthPublished on 9 Apr, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 26 Mar, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Every family looks for ways to save money despite the various expenses it has to meet every month. Unforeseen medical expenses, especially during emergency hospitalisation, can severely impact a family’s savings. A health insurance policy works as a protective cover against such expenses. By paying a regular premium, policyholders can get coverage for a specified policy term.
Policyholders should renew their policies on time to ensure that their benefits continue uninterrupted. Policyholders can renew their health insurance online, which is a quick and easy process.
The online procedure for renewing a health policy is completely hassle-free. The steps are as follows:
Intimation: The policyholder should intimate the customer support team and request health insurance policy renewal within the specified period before the policy expires.
Provide Relevant Details: Policyholders should provide complete details, including the policy number, contact details, if added a new family member under the same policy or if opted for a higher sum insured, etc.
Secure Payment: Pay for health insurance renewal through any digital mode such as credit card, debit card, or net banking. It is safe and secure.
Renewing health insurance is no more a daunting task But, below are some important things to note while you renew health insurance online:
With timely policy renewal, policyholders can enjoy several benefits. Some significant benefits are listed below:
The policy renewal gap can hinder policyholders from availing of the policy benefits. Therefore, it is essential to stay alert on due dates and do timely health insurance renewals. Care- the most comprehensive health insurance policy comes with a wide range of coverage and easy online health insurance renewal. So, opt for it now and enjoy hassle-free lifelong renewability.
Disclaimer: Please read the brochure and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as conditions may vary.
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