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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Digital consumption has skyrocketed for people in this modern era. Children and adults alike spend hours in front of screens, whether at school or work. All of this can negatively impact your vision and your eyes can become tired, blurry, sore, or dry. You may even notice spots or experience headaches. These are widespread complaints that frequently resolve themselves, but it is your time to seek advice from an optometrist if they continue.
You must know that eye problem are easily avoidable if you practice good eye care habits daily. Surprisingly, they are the most pragmatic and straightforward to implement, yet they are the most overlooked. Here are six things you should do every day to maintain your eye health and keep your vision sharp.
Keep Your Hands off Your Eyes
Hands are exposed to a lot of dirt, dust and bacteria, which can easily be transferred to your beady eyes when you touch or rub them. Even if your eyes are itching, wash them with water. Rubbing them will cause more irritation and will do more severe damage. To avoid any infection, keep your hands away from your eyes and practice frequently washing your hands. If the habit has become so pervasive in you, make a concerted effort to break it as quickly as possible.
Eat Right for Good EyeSight
Good eye health begins with what you eat. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, deep yellow pulses and green leafy vegetables. Beta-carotene, Lutein, Omega-3, Lycopene and Vitamins C, A and E are necessary for good eye health. Make sure your diet contains a variety of foods that are high in those nutrients. Fish such as salmon, tuna and halibut contain many omega-3 fatty acids that benefit your eyes.
Protect your EyeSight from The UV Light
UV rays from the sun can harm your eyes and increase your chances of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Sunlight and UV rays increase your chances of getting a sunburn on your cornea, also known as photokeratitis. So, to make a style statement and add flair to your general appearance, put on those sunglasses to protect your eyes. If you are not a big fan of wearing sunglasses, you can also wear UV-protected eyeglasses or contact lenses. Wearing caps, visors and hats is also recommended. Choose sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B rays.
Work Hard Without being Hard on Your Eyes
Your phone, laptop or computer ought to be an arms distance away from your eyes and 20 degrees below the line of sight. This keeps your eyes from straining. Make sure that your room has adequate but diffused lighting. Glare can be caused by focused and overly bright lights, putting too much strain on the eyes. You can also follow simple steps like blinking 20 times in a row to prevent your eyes from drying up or getting out of your seat and taking 20 steps every 20 minutes. If you are working for long hours, you should look away from your computer monitor every 20 minutes and fix your gaze on an object 20 feet away from you.
Quit Smoking for Healthy Vision
Although quitting smoking can be difficult, it is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your eye health. Smoking increases your risk of age-related macular degeneration and other eye disorders such as cataracts. Smoking can also cause optic nerve damage, which can impair your vision over time. If you have been smoking for a long time then it will be hard to quit smoking right away, but at least you can try to cut back.
Sleep Well and Stay Hydrated
Water is the solution to most of the human body's problems. Sufficient fluid intake is important for the overall health of your body, including your eyes. If you stay hydrated, you can keep your eyes from becoming dry and irritated. Also, make sure you get enough sleep each night to keep your eyes revitalized and healthy. Even though our eyes are constantly in use, most of us take them for granted. In reality, our eyes, like the other muscles and organs in our bodies, require rest from time to time.
There is still much that can be done for eye care as a whole, like some eye exercise that can help your eyes relax. It is also essential to have your eyes checked by an eye doctor regularly. They can frequently detect and treat problems before visible symptoms appear. To take care of your eyes you can also have health insurance that covers significant eye problems. You should opt for CHIL’s Health Insurance that covers regular annual checkups and modern treatment for you and your loved ones.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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