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calendar_monthPublished on 17 Mar, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 27 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Our *indemnity based products such as Care, Care Freedom, Care Global, Care Senior, Care POS, Enhance, Care Heart, Joy, and customised Group products with IPD benefit cover hospitalisation based treatment for corona virus. Furthermore, our *Travel Insurance products – Explore and Student Explore also offer the same coverage.
Some of our products that do not extend coverage for corona virus-related treatment expenses are Assure, Secure, Cancer Mediclaim, Critical Mediclaim, Super Mediclaim, Heart Mediclaim, and Operation Mediclaim.
The admissibility of the claim is basis current management protocols for treatment, evaluation, and quarantine of a confirmed or suspected case on certification of a qualified medical specialist, for the treatment extended at a centre recognised to offer the treatment.
Both cashless and reimbursement facilities are applicable. Cashless facility is available only at empanelled network hospitals.
No, Homecare or related treatment expenses are not covered under the in-patient hospitalisation benefit.
As per current protocol, quarantine is recommended, and expenses towards the same shall be payable under the IPD benefit as per the policy terms and conditions.
No. We will not process the claim if the evaluation report results in negative.
Yes, provided this is post advice of a registered medical practitioner and at a facility that’s approved for carrying out treatment for Coronavirus cases.
No, the same cannot be utilised for uncomplicated Corona virus cases. The benefit will be applicable only when the symptoms or diagnoses pertaining to any of the listed critical illnesses are identified.
Isolation involves keeping a sick person or someone affected with COVID-19 away from healthy individuals until symptoms improve. Hospitals and healthcare centres have designated isolation wards for COVID positive patients. COVID positive patients who are self-isolating at home must stay in a separate room, use a separate bathroom, and household items, like utensils and towels.
Quarantine involves separating individuals and restricting the movement if they were exposed to the virus or came in close contact with corona positive person for a minimum of 14 days. It is done to prevent the spread of the disease, and monitor their health and check if any symptoms develop. A person can self-quarantine at home. There are authorised government quarantine facilities for people with a travel history and those in contact with the corona positive person.
Yes. Health insurance will cover medical expenses incurred for treatment and/ or quarantine for COVID-19 positive confirmative diagnosis from any government authorised centre.
To Know More About COVID-19 Click Here
*Please read the policy T & C, brochure, and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as it may vary.
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