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calendar_monthPublished on 22 May, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Marriage is a potpourri that is full of happiness, joy, care, sharing, love, and responsibilities. The lives of two people change drastically, especially when they become parents. Earlier it was only you in the frame, but now you have your spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law as well. It becomes the responsibility of two of you to take care of the health care needs of your family. At present, when medical inflation is rising extensively, and the risk of life-threatening diseases is also high, to get adequate health insurance becomes quintessential.
Therefore, take a moment to sit together and look at how you can select the right health insurance for your family.
Past Medical History- If anyone of you has a past medical history in your respective families like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, stroke, etc. then it is necessary to opt for a plan that covers these critical illnesses or lifestyle diseases. These diseases have a complex pattern of heredity.
Family Planning- If you are on the way to have a family, then you should think about maternity cover or a maternity health insurance plan. It covers pre and postnatal expenses mostly up to 90 days and also has a short waiting period.
On-going Medication- If anyone of you or any of your family members already takes on-going medication for pre-existing diseases, you must look for a health insurance plan that covers pre-existing diseases. It covers all the treatment expenses are incurred regularly. You should check the waiting period and opt for it accordingly.
Financial Goals- If you have some financial goals like investing in a property, mutual funds, retirement plans, or even looking for tax savings, then opt for a comprehensive health insurance plan. It covers your medical expenses so that you can save a large amount of your money for future purposes.
>> Also read Select the Family Floater Health Insurance
After analysing your reasons, the next thing you should do is check the plans that you can opt to provide complete health care coverage to your loved ones.
Add Your Spouse in Your Corporate Policy- Adding a spouse to health insurance after marriage under your corporate health insurance policy is beneficial. Check the amount of coverage, if it is sufficient for two of you, then you can carry on with the same policy. If not, then think about the family floater plan.
Family Floater Plan- You can opt for a family floater plan that covers your family members, including your spouse, dependent parents, and children. The benefit of this plan is that you can get coverage for all your family under a single premium.
Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan- If you have parents-in-law and you find that you cannot cover them in your health insurance policy, then you can buy senior citizen health insurance for them. This health insurance covers all their hospitalization and treatment expenses and helps them to live dignified and healthy life.
Opt for Add-ons- In order to enhance the coverage of your basic health insurance plan, you can also opt for add-ons. At, Care Health Insurance we offer several add-ons like no claim bonus super, reduced waiting period, OPD care, second opinion, etc. that you can include in your basic health insurance according to your needs to ensure maximum benefits.
>> Also Read How Newly Wedded Couples Can Save More Money
Marriage is an exciting phase of life that gives you a roller-coaster experience. Opted for the right health insurance plan helps you to combat the medical problems that you or your loved ones face during this beautiful journey.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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