Care Insurance
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Do you often feel a stabbing, throbbing, or burning pain when doing your daily activities? Well, there are numerous ways that chronic pain can manifest itself throughout your body and can hamper your daily activities, including working, socialising, etc. 

Worst case scenario, if left untreated, it may result in anxiety, insomnia, depression, and irritation, all of which may exacerbate your discomfort even more.

Hence, recognising the chronic pain symptoms, and causes of pain, and knowing when chronic pain management techniques should be adopted is necessary. This guide lists all about chronic pain management and health insurance coverage for the same. Take a look. 

What is Chronic Pain? 

Any discomfort that lasts longer than three months is considered chronic. Sometimes, the pain might never even go away, or it may just occasionally occur anywhere in your body. It is continuous and happens at regular breaks and intervals. This reaction starts a vicious loop that becomes hard to escape.

Types of Chronic Pain Syndromes 

As stated above, any pain that persists or fluctuates for longer than three months is deemed chronic. For example, if you have experienced/are experiencing any of these syndromes listed below, you have chronic pain and need to know about pain management. Common types of chronic pain syndromes include:

  • Lasting painful in any scar tissue 
  • Neck pain 
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain (fibromyalgia) 
  • Arthritis (joint pain) 
  • Cancer pain near a tumour 
  • Testicular pain (orchialgia) 
  • Neurogenic pain (with damage to the nerves or any part of the nervous system) 
  • Headaches (including migraines)

Now, you might confuse this with acute pain. Acute pain is different. When you are injured (a little cut on your skin or a shattered bone), you experience acute pain. The discomfort usually goes after your body recovers from whatever triggered it. 

However, chronic pain persists long after you heal from a sickness or injury. It even occurs occasionally for no apparent cause. Hence, knowing the causes of pain is important to distinguish between the two. 

Symptoms of Chronic Pain 

Different people describe chronic pain in different ways. Some of the usual chronic pain symptoms include: 

  • Squeezing
  • Stinging 
  • Aching 
  • Burning 
  • Throbbing 
  • Shooting 
  • Stiffness

Additionally, chronic pain may also lead to major symptoms like:

  • Depression 
  • Mood swings 
  • Anxiety 
  • Insomnia 
  • Fatigue

How Do You Deal With Chronic Pain Symptoms? 

Dealing with chronic pain is crucial because, if left untreated, it can lead to major medical conditions in the long run. However, there are a myriad of chronic pain relief new treatments and techniques to deal with the symptoms. Take a look.

Physical Techniques 

Numerous physical techniques, such as massage, acupuncture, hot and cold treatment, and physical therapy, can help in the relief of pain.

1. Hot and Cold Therapy: Hot and cold therapy is a popular and proven technique for chronic pain management. Heat has the ability to dilate the blood vessels and provide comfort to your muscles. It also helps in the quick recovery process after an injury.

On the other hand, cold therapy reduces the inflammation that is causing you the pain by reducing the blood flow. You can simply put an ice pack on your skin by wrapping it up in a towel.

2. Massage: This is yet another excellent technique for chronic pain management. When combined with other pain management therapies like physical therapy and medication, it can be beneficial.

Massage helps improve blood circulation and relaxation, increases flexibility, reduces inflammation and stiffness, and improves posture. In fact, massage is considered one of the excellent home remedies for back pain and discomfort. 

3. Physical therapy: Physical therapy involves stretching and strengthening muscles and joints through exercises. It can reduce pain in any portion of the body. 

4. Acupuncture: Under this, a practitioner inserts tiny needles into the skin at specific areas in the body. This helps to provide momentary relief from osteoarthritis, lower back pain, and neck and knee discomfort for a short-term period. It reduces inflammation and spasms and gives comfort. 

Mind-body Techniques 

Techniques that involve mind and the body can be helpful in managing chronic pain. This will be helpful in reducing the side effects of painkillers as well. Some of these techniques include:

1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy: This treatment includes Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The goal of psychological therapies is to lessen the detrimental effects that chronic pain may have on an individual's mental health. The technique helps in reducing anxiety of pain, thus improving quality of life.

2. Yoga: Yoga stretches the body to maintain flexibility, strength, and relaxation. Here, different positions/poses target different parts of the body. In fact, yoga is a proven approach to reducing back pain causes to a huge extent. 

3. Tai chi: Tai chi is a form of exercise that combines breathing and relaxation techniques with slow, continuous, fluid body motions. If you are experiencing osteoporosis, lower back pain, and chronic rheumatoid arthritis pain, Tai chi is the best technique to reduce that. 

Relaxation Techniques 

When chronic pain management becomes tiring, these relaxation techniques can help in providing relief from muscle spasms, aches, pains, and muscle tension. Practising these techniques releases endorphins in the body, which helps reduce chronic pain. Some of these techniques include, 

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Progressive relaxation of muscles
  • Having calm thoughts/ relaxing the brain 
  • Engaging in calming activities like walking, reading, or having a warm bath. 

Drug Therapy

Medications are another way to treat chronic pain. Depending on their types and dosages, these medicines work differently from person to person. Some medicines  

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to treat pain and inflammation. They can be purchased as tablets, capsules, or external pain management products like gels or creams. However, it has its own set of challenges. Ensure consulting a physician prior to starting an NSAID treatment plan.

2. Antidepressants: Amitriptyline is one antidepressant that helps with pain management. At reduced dosages, this drug is used to treat chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy. 

3. Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers reduce the heart rate and stop certain hormones (adrenaline) from working. Many people take beta-blockers to get relief from migraine. 

Females with fibromyalgia and TMJ syndrome may experience a significant improvement in chronic pain when taking low doses of beta-blockers. However, speak with your physician before taking beta-blockers. Beta-blockers may not be suitable for everyone. 

4. Cannabis: Cannabidiol (CBD) and medicinal cannabis are becoming more widely used as pain relievers. Cannabis may reduce neuropathic pain. However, it does not help with headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, or fibromyalgia discomfort.

Moreover, not all places may allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes. It is best to see a health provider before using cannabis CBD for pain management as high doses can cause adverse effects.

Health Insurance Coverage for Pain Relief Treatments

Chronic pain management can sometimes be costly because it requires continuous attention. Hence, these are the times when health insurances come into play. However, not all health insurance plans cover all types of pain management treatments. Hence, understanding the features of your insurance policy prior to purchasing health insurance helps you to evaluate the policy coverage and comprehend the level of financial security provided by your insurer.

The precise medical costs that are covered by a medical insurance policy are referred to as inclusions in health insurance. This includes medical care, surgeries, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and other healthcare services that an insurance provider consents to cover per the policy's terms and conditions.

Now, most health insurance offer medical drug coverage. However, the type of medication covered varies from insurer to insurer. Care Health Insurance offers a comprehensive coverage for different health conditions that may arise due to chronic pain including anxiety, where the scope of coverage includes in-patient hospitalisation, pre and post-hospitalisation, annual health check-ups, daycare treatments, domiciliary treatment, and many more. 

Remember that, whatever plan you are going to opt for, it is essential that you are well aware of the coverage in your policy. Checking the inclusions allows you to buy a policy that meets all your healthcare requirements.

In Conclusion

Chronic pain management can be challenging if it is not treated with the appropriate medications and techniques. Not only will it lead to agony and pain, but it can cause severe nerve damage or medical conditions. This might further drain your savings. 

Even while many insurance policies cover these typical costs, it is important to check the terms and conditions of your policy to find out exactly what is covered. Additionally, it is important to periodically examine your health insurance policy so you can stay informed of any changes and make adjustments in response to your changing medical needs.

>> Also Read: What is chronic inflammatory disease?

Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.

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