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Published on 8 Feb, 2024
Updated on 16 Jan, 2025
4 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
Reviewed by Care Health Insurance
Dental and vision health are important factors contributing to the holistic well-being of children. However, owing to the modern lifestyle, fast food has replaced healthy food and screens have replaced books and playgrounds. As a result, there is a rise in the cases of poor vision and oral health issues among children. Hence it makes sense to invest in health insurance that includes dental and vision coverage for your children.
Health insurance may or may not include dental and vision care. It depends on the type of health insurance you choose. Most health insurance plans cover dental and vision care as part of OPD benefits and do not cover hospitalisation expenses. Hospitalisation expenses are covered only if dental or vision care is required for another treatment such as accidental injury. It may also be required because of an underlying condition such as diabetes.
Health dental and vision insurance plans may be a part of your health insurance but it is never included in the standard coverage. Hence before buying a health insurance plan check whether it has health dental and vision insurance packages or not. Let us understand dental and vision insurance in detail.
Most health insurance that covers dental and vision care offers it as a part of an optional OPD cover on payment of additional premiums. The optional coverage for dental and vision care is subject to a waiting period which may range from 6 months to a few years. The coverage is available up to a limit specified in the policy, and any amount exceeding the upper limit has to be paid by the policyholder.
Here are some common benefits covered under dental care which are not included in a regular health insurance policy
Here are some common benefits covered under vision care which are not included in a regular health insurance policy
Note that the above vision care benefits are a part of OPD benefits. There are certain daycare procedures also which are also covered under different types of health insurance plans as given below:
There are many benefits of health vision and dental insurance for individuals.
Dental and vision care procedures are expensive procedures and these days it is quite common to have dental and vision issues which if not treated timely can cost you a lot in future. With affordable health dental and vision insurance, you can get the best care without worrying about the costs.
Along with OPD and day care treatments, health dental and vision insurance bundles also include preventive check-ups and procedures. This helps in identifying any issues in the initial stage itself and prevents any major problems in future.
Consumables used in any procedures are also covered under individual health dental and vision insurance plans. It may include dental implants, fillings, lenses etc.
You can avail of cashless treatment at a network hospital and get the best quality service without worrying about finances. Even during emergencies you need not compromise on your health because of finances.
Like a regular health insurance plan dental and vision care insurance also have certain exclusions. These include:
No single health insurance plan provides comprehensive coverage for dental and vision care. Different plans offer different types of coverage. You can have a combination of these plans to get the coverage you need.
These plans offer coverage for dental and vision care as either an optional benefit or as a part of the base cover. You can opt for a combination of both for broader coverage. For example, a base cover will provide coverage for cataract surgery only while an optional benefit may include emergency and preventive care also.
Such a plan provides coverage for dental and vision care required due to a critical illness. It may cover dental surgery or LASIK surgery if it is required as a part of critical illness treatment.
These accidental plans cover hospitalisation expenses for dental or vision treatment required due to an injury caused by an accident.
These plans cover expenses of OPD consultations for dental and vision care and include diagnostic tests, medications and OPD treatments.
You can get the coverage you need for dental and vision care by exploring and comparing different types of health insurance plans. Care health insurance offers Care OPD, a health insurance that includes dental and vision OPD consultations and treatments under optional benefit cover. Visit the company website or read the policy document to find more details about the policy coverage.
>> Read: Does Health Insurance Cover Dental Implants?
The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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