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Published on 16 Jun, 2020
Updated on 10 Mar, 2025
2 min Read
Written by Jyotsana Shekhawat
Reviewed by Munmi Sharma
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Buying a health insurance policy is necessary to protect your lifetime savings during a medical emergency. It ensures ultimate peace of mind in times of crisis. However, we only learn the policy's value when a medical emergency arises. There can be situations when the claim is rejected, such as when the policy has lapsed, or the premium has not been paid. There is a procedure to file a claim. It is not a hassle if you are well informed about the health insurance claim process.
Care Health Insurance has a convenient claim settlement process. We offer a simple and quick claim procedure. Visit our company's official website and connect with anyone from 21600+ cashless healthcare providers. This article will teach you about our Care Health Insurance policy's required documents and claim process.
You would need the following documents to claim your health insurance policy-
Claim Related
Medical Documents
You can get a cashless facility at more than 21600+ cashless healthcare providers across the country. Find a network hospital where you can avail of cashless health insurance treatment.You need to follow the following steps:
In case the treatment is availed from a non-network hospital, the insured has to bear the medical expenses initially. However, they can file for reimbursement right after the discharge. This facility is also helpful if cashless treatment is denied by the insurer.
You need to abide by the following steps to claim for reimbursement:
The insured should not delay in intimating the insurer regarding the claim as it may lead to claim rejection. Make sure that all the facts are handy and the information provided is correct. It is crucial to follow the guidelines mentioned in your health insurance policy to ensure that your claim is settled on time.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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