Care Insurance
  • Published on 6 Apr, 2021

    Updated on 23 Nov, 2023


    2 min Read

Men and women have many common health issues, yet they have different hormones, anatomy, resistance, and healthcare needs.  That is why some health conditions differ significantly for females. For few years, incidences of cancer, heart attack, etc., in women are consistently rising. Women are in great need of understanding about these diseases and their symptoms to get timely treatment. 

Pregnancy Complications

50% of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. It causes infant mortality, maternity deaths, and premature delivery. Sometimes pre-existing conditions like Asthma, diabetes, anxiety worsen the pregnancy and create a threat for the mother and a child. Therefore, it is vital to visit a gynecologist regularly and avail the best healthcare facilities to make your motherhood memorable. 


According to the National Cancer Registry Programme , India, the projected incidence of cancer patients for the year 2020 in India in males is 679,421 and in females is 712,758. The five most common cancers affecting women are breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and oral cancer. However, if treated timely, chances of survival are also high. 


Females above 50 years are at high risk of Osteoarthritis. It is a kind of arthritis that tears women's joints because they have more flexible joints and elastic tendons. It put women at risk of sprains and injuries and also affects the alignment of the knees. That is why physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight is the best thing you can do to put yourself at the bay. 


Alzheimer's risk goes up as we grow. However, hormonal changes in women can cause it. Medicines cannot completely cure this disease but slow its progression. Your active lifestyle, enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet can help you combat this disease. 


As per WHO, the burden of depression is 50% higher for women than men in India. Hormonal fluctuations, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD), many mothers suffer from baby blues (a type of depression after delivery), work pressure, peer pressure, family responsibilities, etc. are the main factors for creating depression among women. 

Heart Diseases

Heart disease is the silent killer for both females and males. However, women are more prone and have chances of developing other heart ailments and co-morbidities such as diabetes, atrial fibrillation, etc. Therefore, to reduce risk, it is good to do 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week, take a healthy diet, and keep a regular check on your glucose level, cholesterol, and blood pressure. 

Health Insurance is a Rescuer

The prevailing medical inflation rate is 15% in India and will rise in the future for sure. Only 20% of  females in India have a health policy. So, what to do? Grab a health policy now. It acts as your rescuer during any medical emergency that arises due to any of the above diseases. Care Health Insurance offers Care-the most comprehensive Health Insurance for Family. You will get coverage for hospitalization, treatment, and medication, along with other benefits. So, while we take care of your healthcare expenses, you should take some time out from your busy schedule every day to stay in the pinkest of your health. 

>>Also Read Why Medical Insurance Is Important for Women?

Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims is subject to policy terms and conditions.

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