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calendar_monthPublished on 24 Sep, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 6 Feb, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Advance medical science has found a cure for life-threatening diseases like cancer. Recently, you must have heard about oral chemotherapy. It is one of the wonders in healthcare that brings new hopes for the patients. It is a radical change the way doctors treat cancer patients. However, the infusion therapies are the conventional forms of the treatments used to kill cancerous and even non-cancerous cells. They are also equally important depends on the stage of cancer. These therapies led to many adverse effects, such as hair loss, low white blood cell counts, low appetite, nausea, etc. The new oral drugs are invented to target only the specific cancer cells and prevent the other healthy cells from damage. So, let's get into some more details of this type of treatment of cancer:
It is the form of cancer treatment under which drugs, pills, or liquids give to cancer patients orally (from the mouth instead of intravenous ). It means that instead of admitting to the hospital for a long duration, patients can continue the treatment at home. This treatment needs strict doctor consultation, vigilance, strict adherence, and regular check-ups.
Treatment of cancer has an extended period. At times, it's difficult for patients to stay in the hospital emotionally as well as financially. Thus, it is more accessible, below are its benefits:
Before starting it, one should consult with the doctor and ask the following things:
Oncologists recommend oral chemotherapy only after the proper examination of the patient's reports and stage of cancer. However, patients can consult with their doctors if they experience the below problems:
Oral chemotherapy is, however, less expensive than conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery. But, due to rising medical inflation, the cost of medical treatment is skyrocketing these days. As a result, the treatment of cancer becomes out of expense for many. To ensure the right and timely treatment for cancer patients, Care Health Insurance offers Cancer Mediclaim. It covers hospitalization and medication expenses for cancer treatment, including oral chemotherapy (subject to policy terms and conditions). The number of cancer cases reported every year in India. It's always good to stay safe and secured. Opt for our cancer mediclaim and live worry-free.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Cancer is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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