Care Insurance
  • Published on 31 Mar, 2020

    Updated on 1 Jul, 2024


    4 min Read

According to the WHO, 1 in every 8 people lives with a mental disorder. Anxiety and depression are the most common ones. This number soared during the COVID-19 pandemic due to lockdown and less social interaction. However, mental illness has been a topic to be hushed up rather than discussed. People suffering from mental disorders are not just made to feel alienated and deal with the stigma owing to their condition but also lack effective care. 

Nevertheless, there has been a lot of focus and awareness about mental health now. A positive step by the Indian government was the passing of the Mental Healthcare Act 2017, which aimed at protecting the rights of people with mental illness and providing them healthcare services. 

A Positive Step by IRDAI: Mandating Mental Health Insurance

In 2018, the guidelines given by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) made it mandatory for all insurance companies in India to provide medical insurance for mental illness. Now, insurers will be required to provide mental health insurance coverage for the treatment of mental illnesses on the same basis as is available for the treatment of physical ailments. 

This move is beneficial for millions of Indians affected by mental health problems. Here’s more information about mental health insurance. 

What Do You Need to Know About Mental Illnesses?

Mental illnesses can throw one’s life out of balance the same way as physical ailments do and require dedicated and timely medical care. 

While the signs of physical illnesses like injuries, heart problems, etc. are visible to others, there are hidden signs of mental health disorders. Therefore, it is essential to observe a person's behavioral patterns that make them likely to have the illness. Disturbances in an individual's cognition, emotional regulation, and behavior characterize mental illness. 

What are the Different Types of Mental Illnesses?

The symptoms may vary from person to person and commonly include anxiety, stress, anger, fear or worries, mood changes, changes in eating and sleeping habits, etc. Some of the most common mental disorders include the following:

  • Depression: During a depressive episode, one may feel a loss of interest, appetite, and sleep. The most common symptoms are feelings of irritation, sadness, and emptiness, which may continue every day for at least two weeks or longer.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety disorder can lead to excessive fear and worry, which can further result in high distress and impairment in functioning. Some common symptoms of anxiety are panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety from a loved one, or excessive worry.
  • Schizophrenia: It is characterized as a chronic brain disorder. A person with schizophrenia has impairments in perceiving reality, which often leads to changes in behavior. Some common symptoms of the illness are delusions, hallucinations, irrelevant speech, being easily influenced by others, disorganized behavior, slow movements, and social withdrawal.
  • Bipolar disorder: A mental illness that results in extreme mood swings, which include extreme highs and lows, termed hypomania and depression. Hypomania symptoms include high energy, euphoria, irritability, high self-esteem, talkativeness, impulsive behavior, racing thoughts, and a decrease in sleep. On the other hand, when a person hits the lows, he or she may feel depressed, lack interest in activities, and develop low self-esteem for a day or a long time.
  • Dementia: It is a syndrome caused by multiple diseases that deteriorates the functioning of the brain. This further results in memory loss and other thinking abilities in an individual. A person dealing with dementia finds it difficult to perform daily tasks and needs assistance as the illness worsens over time. The most common symptoms of dementia are forgetting and misplacing things, being confused, losing track of time, having difficulty gathering thoughts or finding words during a conversation, and having difficulty performing familiar tasks.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): This psychiatric disorder may develop due to exposure to some traumatic event or series of such events. Examples can be natural disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks, sexual assault, rape, violence, or bullying, which can be life-threatening and may affect the person emotionally and physically. Symptoms of PTSD are flashbacks, disturbing thoughts, nightmares, sadness, anger, and detachment. 
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders: These conditions mostly arise during an individual’s developing years and affect brain functioning, which can either cause mild impairments in cognitive, social, and emotional functioning or severe conditions where a person may need lifelong assistance and care. The most common neurodevelopmental disorders are autism and ADHD. 

Do you Need Health Insurance for Mental Illness?

Mental illness should not be neglected, as it can become severe and may require proper medical attention. It is where a problem arises. In India, medical treatment costs, especially at private healthcare centers, are quite expensive. Hence, buying mental health insurance is highly recommended, as it will ensure that your family’s savings are not affected by high medical expenses.

Health insurance plans for mental health usually include various coverages involving long-term expenses like hospitalization, rehabilitation, OPD charges, doctor's consultations, and medication.

Some plans have a sub-limit on the sum insured if an individual has a mental illness as a pre-existing condition at the time of opting for health coverage. There could also be a waiting period when the policyholder cannot claim the treatment expenses. However, after the waiting period is over, the insurer is bound to offer mental illness treatment claims.

So, if you are planning to buy a mental health insurance policy, it is advisable to read the policy document thoroughly to understand the inclusions and exclusions. This is necessary to ensure that there are no hassles at the time of filing the claim.

At Care Health Insurance, we take both physical and mental well-being seriously, and hence, we provide our policyholders with the benefit of four physical consultations with a psychiatrist in our Care Supreme plan under OPD coverage. So, whenever you are not feeling yourself, you get care without fretting about the money.

Give your loved ones a sense of protection and a healthy life with Care Health Insurance. The one-stop solution for all your health insurance needs. 

>> Also Read: Does your Insurance Cover Mental Therapy?

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.

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