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calendar_monthPublished on 20 Dec, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 31 Dec, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog3 min Read
Written by Farina Khan
Is disease X pandemic a next emergency? An obvious question due to the hype that is being created by the public health emergencies and governments. Well, No need to panic! The disease X pandemic doesn’t exist yet. But as rightly stated, ‘Prevention is better than cure’.
Indeed, it is something for which governments across the globe have already started preparing after Richard Hatchett, chief executive officer (CEO) of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) talked about it. But worry not, In this blog, we will take you through everything about disease X virus, its symptoms, and precautions to deal with it.
As defined by the World Health Organisation(WHO), Disease X virus refers to a serious international pandemic pathogen that has not yet been characterized. Disease X virus was added to the shortlist of blueprint priority disease in February 2018.
Since the disease X virus is added to the list of WHO, it is a priority for CEPI’s research and development investments. In nutshell, it is a hypothetical that does not exist for real. However, it doesn’t mean that it is not real. It is a very real and growing threat to human health and something the world must prepare to respond.
Since disease X does not represent a specific virus yet, its symptoms can’t be defined. However, it has been estimated that the disease X virus can be caused by a pathogen X. And based on historical outbreaks, disease X virus symptoms might include:
The WHO highlights the growing risk of disease X virus that can emerge much like what happened in COVID 19. The causes of disease X virus may include:
It was quite visible in the case of COVID 19, how the world was unprepared and faced sudden health crises. Disease X virus serves as a warning and call for action. Its importance lies in pushing government, researchers, and health organisations to:
This is one of the obvious questions of course after COVID19 and the unpreparedness the world has seen at that time. And with this, it is an ongoing challenge to deal with the disease. Here is how the world should get ready:
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The talk of disease X virus serves as a reminder of nature’s unpredictability and the need for proactive measures. It is not a cause for panic but a call to action for sure. And also high time for individuals, governments, and organisations to build resilience against the unknown.
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Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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