Common Food Cravings During Pregnancy

Common Food Cravings During Pregnancy

Sanjana enjoyed her pregnancy to the fullest. With the luxury of pampering by her family, flexible work hours, and the freedom to indulge in every craving, it seemed like she was having the time of her life. But as the weeks rolled by and her body went through significant changes, she began to notice the impact of her cravings. What started as innocent indulgence quickly turned into a struggle, with weight gain and mood swings becoming unwelcome companions.

If you are a mom-to-be, Sanjana’s fray might seem relatable. If you, too, find yourself grappling with uncontrollable food cravings during pregnancy, worry not; you're not alone. In this article, we will dive into the common cravings expectant mothers experience and explore how to manage them effectively.

There is No Greater Gift than the Gift of Life

First things first, a big shout-out to all to-be moms. Congratulations on successfully and strongly handling your pregnancy. Being pregnant and carrying that baby inside is an all-new and joyful experience. But with it come several new challenges. And handling all those pregnancy cravings is one of them. Are you also experiencing intense and weird food cravings during pregnancy? Well, don't worry; you are not alone. In fact, in a study conducted by the National Institute of Health on 635 women, 39% of them experienced some kind of food craving related to sweet foods, fruits, and dairy.

Understanding your food cravings can help you understand your body's needs. and empowers you to make informed choices for your health and your baby's development. This blog delves deep into common food cravings during pregnancy and how to navigate them successfully.

Pregnancy Cravings & Their Meaning

Let's start with the basics. What are pregnancy cravings, and what do they mean? Normal pregnancy cravings can be understood as urges that go beyond simple hunger. Most women start experiencing these food cravings from their first trimester.

But, what do pregnancy cravings mean? What causes them? Simply put, they indicate psychological and hormonal changes. They reflect the nutritional deficiencies in your body that may be linked to the food you're craving. According to healthcare experts, common cravings in early pregnancy can generally be caused by two factors:

  • Changes in the nutritional requirements of your body. For example, your dairy cravings tend to be related to calcium deficiency.
  • Changes in hormonal balance can lead to sudden food cravings and aversions. Pregnancy hormones can change the way some foods smell and taste.

Remember, it's okay to have some cravings now and then. And it's alright to fulfil them sometimes; you just need to not go off the rails.

Common Pregnancy Cravings

The most common cravings during pregnancy are food items that can satisfyyour taste buds. However, it is important to notice and observe your cravings. For example, what food items your body is craving the most? They can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency that needs to be fulfilled for your baby and you.

Having these common cravings when pregnant may sometimes look like a hassle. However, they might help you tackle pregnancy mood swings and nausea. For example, citrus fruits and chocolates are known to lower nausea symptoms.

Here is a list of common pregnancy food cravings:

1. Meat or Egg Cravings

A lot of women crave meat or eggs while being pregnant. This may signal a deficiency of protein or iron in your body. Both of these nutrients are quite important for the mom-to-be while pregnant. They play a huge role in red blood cell formation. Because your blood volume significantly increases during pregnancy, your body's need for iron and protein also increases. Thus leading to cravings for meat or eggs.

You can also compensate for the protein deficiency in your diet by adding items like beans, soybeans, nuts, shellfish, salmon, and other items. Make sure you get a good protein and iron intake to avoid symptoms like weakness, fatigue, breathlessness, and more.

2. Dairy Cravings

One of the most popular cravings during pregnancy is for dairy products. The best part is that these bring much more than just deliciousness to the table. Dairy items like milk, yoghurt, cheese, and many more are considered super healthy. Additionally, they can help you fill and enhance the calcium content in your diet, thus strengthening your bones and muscles.

Make sure you consume dairy products made of pasteurised milk to avoid any kind of infection.

3. Fruit Cravings

Craving fruits or vegetables during your pregnancy? What can be better than this? Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet is the perfect way to add several nutrients to your dietary regime. Just make sure they don't upset your stomach.

Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges are enriched with vitamin C. Vegetables like broccoli, avocado, and more can help add potassium. The best part is that these also reduce general leg cramps and discomfort during pregnancy.

Additionally, you may enjoy these fruits in a variety of ways. You may eat them simply or give them your personal touch while making a delicious smoothie, which is the best pregnancy craving to have.

4. Carbohydrate Cravings

Many pregnant women experience carbohydrate cravings, such as urges to have bread or cereal. Craving cereal while pregnant can be a sign of a fibre or carbohydrate deficiency in the bodywhich can be satisfied in moderation.

It's better to go for whole-grain or multigrain cereals and bread such as wheat, barley, oats, and more. Not only are these richer in nutrients, including fibre and vitamins, but they also have a lesser sugar and fat content. Thus, you get to satisfy your cravings while taking care of your health.

5. Spicy Food Cravings

One of the most popular pregnancy cravings is to eat the spiciest thing you can tolerate.

Having these spicy cravings might just be a sign of your hormonal fluctuations. If you want to enjoy these, go ahead! You can have them in moderation. However, overeating spicy foods can cause heartburn or indigestion.

>> Also Read: Tips to Stay Happy and Healthy During Pregnancy

Weight Management in Pregnancy

Your eating practices have a huge impact on your weight. So, to ensure your pregnancy cravings are satisfied while maintaining a healthy weight, here are some tips for managing your weight during pregnancy:

1. Healthy Eating

Have a healthy eating chart and exercise as well. Ensure you have a good nutritional intake, giving your body all the essential nutrients it needs.Additionally, a few exercises , short walks, and yoga can help you feel healthy and relaxed. However, remember not to push your body beyond its limits.

2. Do Not Skip Your Meals

Never skip your breakfast. A healthy breakfast can help you stay full for a longer time. Thus, avoid unnecessary snacking and munching that may affect your weight. If you have concerns about morning sickness, consider having bread or toast.

3. Eat Mindfully

Having small and regular meals is the key. When you eatat frequent intervals, you're full, which reduces your cravings. You're not much tempted by all those spices and sweets. Have multi-grains, muesli, cereals, fruits, and vegetables for healthy eating.

4. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

Ask for your family or your partner's support whenever needed. You can also consult your doctor and tell them about the healthy weight range you want; they might help you prepare a diet chart or suggest exercises as well.

Wrapping Up!

Pregnancy cravings are a normal phenomenon. There isno need to be stressed about it. There is no definite science to tell what causes these cravings or the obvious urges. However, the most common food cravings in early pregnancy include dairy, meat, sweets, spicy foods, and carb cravings. Most commonly, these start in your first trimester and go up for even the second trimester. However, by the end of the third trimester, these symptoms may go down a bit . So, no worries, ladies! Enjoy this journey, and feel free to reach out to your healthcare expert if you have any questions.

Moreover, remember to take adequate coverage for your maternity expenses well before you actually plan for the child so that the waiting period is over before you conceive. We at Care Health Insurance, offer two different types of maternity plans, Care Joy Today and Tomorrow. If you are planning your child more than 2 years later, you can opt for the Care Joy Tomorrow Plan. However, if you are planning a child soon, you can choose the Care Joy Today plan, wherein you will get all your expenses for maternity coverage just after 9 months. This plan has multiple other benefits, such as newborn coverage, pre and post-hospitalisation, no-claim bonanza, etc., making it a comprehensive maternity health insurance plan for you and your family.

Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

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