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calendar_monthPublished on 1 Oct, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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One of the things we all have to come to terms with is ageing. As a person grows older, he or she begins to notice changes in the body. Vision problems like cataract are common among senior citizens and even cause a lot of inconvenience in performing day-to-day work. Among the age-related, eye disorders are cataracts that can, in the worst case, lead to blindness. Experts say that there is no sure shot way to prevent the disease. However, cataract prevention or delaying its onset is possible by controlling some risk factors. We will discuss them in this article.
Cataracts occur when the lens tissues of the eye become thicker and lose transparency owing to building up of a protein mass, thus, clouding the vision. Cataracts develop slowly, and one may not notice their presence unless there is a noticeable difficulty in seeing things.
Besides a cloudy or blurry vision, nearsightedness (especially in senior citizens), double vision in the affected eye, colours appearing faded or yellowish, sensitivity to brightness, and problems with night vision are the common symptoms of cataract.
We mention some of the risk factors for cataract:
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Self-care is crucial in preventing many health problems. Before cataract begins to affect your daily life, it is better to take the preventive measures we discussed above.
If you or your family member are a senior citizen and complain about blurred vision, it is not a time to ignore these symptoms. It could be a sign of cataract, and you would need to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. Thanks to medical advancements, cataract surgery is now convenient and safe than ever. However, it could be expensive, considering the rate at which healthcare costs are rising. So, make sure you have opted for adequate health insurance for cataract, which will cover the medical expenses, including in-patient hospitalisation and surgery costs, subject to policy terms and conditions.
Choose indivdiual health insurance policy by Care Health Insurance.
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only for reference purposes. We recommend consulting a medical practitioner.
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