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calendar_monthPublished on 3 Jul, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog5 min Read
Written by Riya Lohia
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Those of you who are acquainted with people suffering from heart conditions will have heard of the term cardiomyopathy,a particular heart muscle disease. So what is cardiomyopathy? This disease causes the heart muscle to become enlarged, or to become thickened, lose elasticity and become rigid or scarred. These changes in the condition of the heart muscle weaken the heart and reduce its effectiveness in pumping blood properly. The heart's decreased ability to pump blood to different parts of your body results in various complications that can be life-threatening. Along with understanding the cardiomyopathy meaning, in this article we will discuss what causes this disease, the symptoms it exhibits, its types and the options available for the treatment of this complex condition, which has the potential to develop into several serious diseases and conditions. Let’s begin!
As we already have mentioned above what cardiomyopathy is, let’s switch to its causes. There are various factors that may lead to cardiomyopathy. The common ones are as follows:
Cardiomyopathy usually does not have very obvious symptoms, and you may not even know that you are affected by it. However, cardiomyopathy symptoms sometimes are detectable depending on the type you are suffering from or if it is severe in nature. The symptoms which are commonly detected are as:
There are a number of types of cardiomyopathy, each caused by different reasons and having characteristics of their own. The following are the main types of cardiomyopathy:
Cardiomyopathy is diagnosed by carrying out tests to check the shape and size of your heart and also to check how well your heart is functioning. Apart from imaging tests, blood tests too are carried out to check the levels of those substances in your blood whose levels increase if you are suffering from a condition like cardiomyopathy. The following are the tests usually used to diagnose cardiomyopathy in a person:
Cardiomyopathy is treated by managing the symptoms, bringing about improvement to the functions of the heart and reduction in the risk of complications that may arise. The options for treatment of cardiomyopathy include the following:
As you have read, cardiomyopathy is an extremely complex and potentially deadly condition which may severely impact the functioning of your heart. However, if you understand the causes, symptoms, and types, seek immediate medical intervention, and follow the recommended treatment plans, you may be able to control the symptoms and lead a proper life.
Apart from being aware of the condition, you should also invest in a comprehensive heart health insurance to cover the treatment expenses. With Care Health Insurance, you have two options to choose from Care Heart Insurance and Care Heart Mediclaim. Both the plans come with comprehensive sum insured options and amazing benefits catering to the needs of a heart patient. So, to know more let’s connect with our experts or visit the official website.
>> Also Read: List of 16 Ailments Covered in Care Heart Mediclaim
Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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