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calendar_monthPublished on 23 Apr, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 21 Feb, 2025
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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People often think that cancer is a result of inherited genes. However, research shows that genetics only cause a small proportion of cancer, whereas eating habits plays a much bigger part. Good or bad health starts with what you eat. The food you take can drastically affect your health and increase the risk of developing cancer. A diet that could ward off chronic diseases like cancer is not different from your day-to-day food. All you need to do is to switch to broccoli instead of a double cheeseburger. Remember, uncertainties are the part of life, right health insurance, diet, and lifestyle choices you make today can help you to prevent cancer in future.
In this article, we have recommended a cancer prevention diet, including the best foods to lower your risk of cancer. Take a look!
High Calorie vs. Less Calorie: Avoid high-calorie foods such as burgers, pizzas, chocolate, chips, cookies, cakes, and red meat. Instead, opt for leafy vegetables, fruits, pulses, and whole grains that are lower in calories.
Swap Aerated Drinks: Cola, lemonade, cordials, and squashes also contribute to cancer. Swap them all, and drink lots of water, coconut water, lime water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices to reduce the risk of cancer.
Say No to Smoking and Alcohol: They are two close friends of cancer that increase the risk of lung, throat, stomach, liver, and breast cancer. So, whether it is a chill-out smoking break, a glass of wine with a dinner or a pint of beer with friends, start saying no to all of them, if you want to live longer.
Avoid Tobacco: Tobacco causes 90% of mouth and lung cancers. It is as hazardous as smoking and alcohol. Start quitting it from today onwards if you are addicted.
Reduce the Intake of Salt and Sugar: You should also limit your salt and sugar intake. According to the experts, you should take 1.5 grams of sugar and 2.3 grams of salt in a day to stay healthy.
Limit Red and Processed Meat: If you are a die-hard red meat lover, then you have high chances of developing cancer. So, it’s better to limit red and processed meat. As per the experts, eat less than 500 g of beef, pork, lamb, and goat.
Don’t Rely on Supplements: Supplements contain vitamins, whereas, for better immunity, you need minerals as well. You should include tomatoes, herbs, garlic, and green tea in your balanced diet, instead of relying on supplements.
Note: The above information is for reference purposes only. Please consult with doctor.
>>Also Read Cancer Treatment - Caring Your Physical and Mental Health
Apart from a healthy diet and health insurance you can prevent cancer in the following ways:
Foods have cancer-fighting properties. It is all you need to change your foods and lifestyle habits to give your body the best chance of steering clear of cancer. It is a chronic disease that can even drain all your money. So, it’s better to stay protected with the cancer preventive diet and Cancer Mediclaim Policy that is offered by Care Health Insurance. These health insurance plans not only help you to get the right treatment but also gives you financial assistance during your tough time.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Cancer is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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