Care Insurance
  • Published on 19 Mar, 2024

    Updated on 25 Dec, 2024


    6 min Read

Said to be the sight thief, glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that can lead to the condition of permanent vision impairment and vision loss. Once glaucoma causes loss of vision or blindness, it cannot be recovered. However, if the patient gets timely treatment for glaucoma, further damage to the optic nerves can be prevented. Hence, visiting the ophthalmologist on time becomes imperative if you are feeling symptoms such as blurry vision, headache, and heaviness around your eyes. It is highly recommended that you never ignore these symptoms, especially if you are a diabetic.

If you don’t want to undergo minimally invasive surgery or laser therapy, you can choose alternative treatments for glaucoma. They are believed to be effective in curbing further damage to the eyes. Lifestyle adjustments, ayurvedic treatment, and other home remedies for glaucoma aim for holistic treatment for glaucoma.

Stay tuned with us to know more about the natural remedies for glaucoma that can help prevent this degenerative eye disorder from expanding further without surgical intervention.

What is Glaucoma?

When the extra fluid in front of the eyes builds up, it puts intraocular pressure on the optic nerves of the eyes. This excessive eye pressure crops up the situation of glaucoma eye disorder. Globally, glaucoma is the second leading cause of permanent blindness if left untreated or poorly managed.

As per reports, glaucoma eye disorder affects around 1.2 crore people in India. Sadly, almost half of them are left undetected and untreated. It should be kept in mind that glaucoma reversal is not possible but an on-time diagnosis and on-time treatment can help avoid irreparable eyesight loss.

Hence, do not ignore the symptoms like seeing rainbows or halos around light, seeing floating spider webs, recurrent pain in the eye, heaviness around the eye, blurred or double vision, unexplained nausea, and vomiting. Only a proactive approach toward these symptoms can help you in getting the treatment on time.

Are Natural Ways to Cure Glaucoma Effective?

To an extent, yes! Natural ways to treat glaucoma are considered to be effective. According to the traditional Indian medical system, i.e. Ayurveda, the imbalance of three doshas (Vat, Pitta, and Kaph) leads to the formation of intraocular pressure in one eye or both eyes. To prevent the further risk of eye damage, the Ayurvedic practitioner tries to restore the balance of three doshas. Apart from effective Panchakarma therapies, glaucoma herbal treatment and other herbal medications, there are varied home remedies for glaucoma.

Please keep in mind that glaucoma home treatment is only an addition to the ongoing treatment;  it can not be replaced with alternative treatments or other medical treatments for glaucoma.

Natural Remedies to Cure Glaucoma

Home remedies and Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be effective if it is used in conjunction with the medical (allopathic)treatment for glaucoma. They aid in accelerating the cure for glaucoma naturally. Let’s go through the following points to know the natural treatment for glaucoma. It is recommended to consult your doctor before making any alterations to your lifestyle these natural remedies:

1. Triphala

Triphala is an Ayurvedic formula that may work as an effective natural medicine for glaucoma. This concoction is made of three potent fruits- Amla, Haritaki, and Bhibitaki. The oral intake of the medicine can aid in reducing glaucoma symptoms such as redness, inflammation, or dryness. Additionally, it can be administered through eye drops to restore the loss of vision to some extent.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil has also proven its efficacy among natural cures for glaucoma. Administered as the eye drops, it can not cure glaucoma permanently, but it can restrict the growth of the eye disorder. Furthermore, you can apply it on the sole of your feet daily as a natural remedy for glaucoma.

3. Sesame Oil 

Like castor oil, sesame oil is also believed to be effective in reducing the symptoms of glaucoma. 3-to 4 drops of sesame oil are administered through the nostrils daily in the morning empty stomach. We would like to reiterate that natural healing for glaucoma with only home remedies is not possible.

4. Cow Ghee

Cow ghee has been discovered to be effective in nourishing the optic nerves of the eyes. This can be an effective home remedy if followed consistently without any gap. Put 2 drops of cow ghee in the eyes to prevent the risk of partial or complete vision loss.

5. Washing Eyes

The traditional ritual of eye washing always promotes the wellness of the eyes. If suffering from glaucoma, you can try gulaab-jal or rosewater to get relief in recurrent pain in or around the eyes. Its cooling property will aid you in relaxing your stressed eyes. You can soak cotton in rose water and apply it over your eyes.

6. Light or Lamp Gazing

This is a traditional Ayurvedic meditation practice that is considered immensely beneficial to boost eye health. In case you have been suffering from glaucoma, you can opt for this home treatment. For this, you have to gaze into the wick of a candle or earthen lamp, provided that the wick should be lit using ghee only. This treatment will aid you in recovering from eye stress to a great extent.

7. Regular Exercise

Along with natural remedies to cure glaucoma, you need to stay active. Regular exercises help lower blood pressure. Subsequently, it will reduce the pressure on your eye as well, which has caused the glaucoma eye disorder. But before shifting into any exercise plan, you should consult with your health care professional. Excessive and intense exercise can escalate your blood pressure and intraocular pressure in your eyes. Hence, be extra cautious and include moderate and balanced exercise in your daily routine plan.

>> Also Read: Important things to Know Before Undergoing LASIK Eye Surgery

Natural Prevention and Lifestyle Changes

The eye is the most sensitive part of our body. If poorly managed or left negligent, its health can get worse over time. The cases of blindness or visual impairment due to glaucoma have been rising over the years.  With age, you should be extra vigilant and take some important measures that can prevent the risk of glaucoma. Go over the following pointers to know which preventive natural cures for glaucoma are effective:

  • Increase the intake of foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and Omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet. Choose healthy foods, vegetables, beans, and fruits over simple carbs, including pasta, noodles, breads, and potatoes.
  • Limit your screen time as it crops up the eye disorders such as redness, dryness, and eye strain. If left untreated, it can lead to the eye disease such as glaucoma.
  • Drink adequate fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Increase the intake of water, coconut water, buttermilk, and juices. 
  • Avoid sleeping in a flat position, as this may escalate the chances of increased pressure on the eyes. Instead, sleep with your elevated head to lower the pressure on your eyes. 
  • Do yoga and daily workouts regularly. They are vital to promote the holistic well-being of health. They enhance blood circulation and stimulate metabolism in the human body.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking as they lead to various minor to major health problems in the human body.

In a Nutshell

Home remedies for glaucoma can help in reducing the symptoms to a degree. So, in addition to your regular glaucoma treatment, you should opt for the aforementioned home remedies. They will speed up your recovery speed. But you should not depend on these home remedies. Consult an eye doctor before trying natural treatment for glaucoma. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended to treat glaucoma. Hence, having the assurance of a health insurance policy can be very helpful in times of medical emergencies. The way medical inflation is rising, every individual should invest in the right health coverage. Buying health insurance becomes all the more essential if you or any family member is vulnerable to medical conditions.

With Care Mediclaim, you can cover glaucoma surgery cost up to a defined limit. Known as Super Mediclaim, it is an indemnity benefit policy to offer coverage for critical illnesses and defined surgeries with in-patient and OPD coverage.  The policy comes with four major benefits - Critical Illness Mediclaim, Heart Mediclaim, Cancer Mediclaim and Operation Mediclaim. Kindly connect with our experts to know more about policy coverage and other clauses to get the most out of the best health insurance.

Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.

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