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Published on 15 Oct, 2019
Updated on 14 Feb, 2024
6 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month(BCAM) every year. It is an annual campaign to spread awareness about Breast Cancer among women and normalise talking about it. It has become one of the most common types of cancer among women leaving a substantial impact on their lives.
But the good news is early diagnosis and treatments have improved the survival rates over the years. This month helps reduce the stigma through encouragement on diagnosis, education on symptoms and treatment of ailment. In 1985, October month was marked as BCAM. An annual international health campaign started under the American Cancer Society and Imperial Chemical Industries partnership to educate women about breast cancer treatment. So, before getting into the details of BCAM, let's have a brief on Breast Cancer:
Breast cancer is the type of cancer that forms in the breast cells and grows out of control. It can spread to different parts of the breast. Gradually, it can also blow out to other body parts through blood and lymph vessels. The breast has three main parts lobules that produce milk, ducts, the tubes that carry milk, and connective tissue that holds everything together.
Most breast tumours start in the ducts, which is why they are called ductal cancers. Tumour in lobules is known as lobules cancer. It's important to know that not all breast lumps are cancerous. Some are non-cancerous but with abnormal growth. But they do not spread outside the breast and are not life-threatening. That's why it's advisable to consult with a doctor once you notice signs of breast cancer.
However, it is not a transmissible or infectious health condition, unlike cancer causes such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer.
Throughout October, various science forums, healthcare providers, clinics, cancer institutes, etc. circulate information through different informational pamphlets and educational programs to give information about breast cancer symptoms. Though symptoms may vary from female to female, some most common warning signs are:
To learn and get more and more information about symptoms. Visit a doctor for a complete examination and consult that whatever you notice is a cause of concern.
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Researchers have identified some factors that may cause breast cancer. But still, there are cases where women of these causes are diagnosed with cancer. So, here are some breast cancer causes:
The more breast cancer has spread, the more treatment a woman will likely need. But the treatment options depend on the signs of breast cancer, the patient's physical condition, and breast cancer stages. Below are the treatment options that you can read.
One ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Doctors say that breast cancer prevention always starts with a healthy lifestyle. On the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, read the below points prevention tips and understand how you can lower breast cancer risk:
A study suggests that up to 5-10% of breast cancer cases could be hereditary, whereas 90-95% are due to lifestyle factors. Once you diagnose breast cancer symptoms early, it will get easier for you to cure it completely.
Every woman's life is essential, and this month inspires hope and becomes a force for good to access the best healthcare she needs. Read below how people celebrate it:
Breast cancer prevention could be done by simply doing a self-breast examination. Touch around your breast and feel if there is something lumpy or unusual. Women should be doing this practice regularly as soon as they turn 30.
>> Also read 7 Myths and Facts about Breast Cancer
According to the National Cancer Registry Programme report, India-1 in 29 females has breast cancer in the country, and the survival rate is still 66%. Read below to learn about how coronavirus impacted women with breast cancer:
However, the survival rates of breast cancer in India are comparatively low due to ignorance and delayed detection. Spreading awareness and normalising talking about it could only lower this number. Once it gets detected in time, it can be treated and cured.
Ignorance is not always bliss!
These days there is an alarming increase in breast cancer cases. One has to be mentally strong to fight breast cancer. But at the same time, staying prepared financially is like half the battle won. Here Care Cancer Mediclaim can be your financial saviour. Our cancer mediclaim insurance offers lifelong cancer care at a very affordable premium. We cover all stages of cancer and provide cashless cancer treatment. Where life is unpredictable, buy cancer mediclaim today and protect yourself tomorrow.
Prevention is just a step away from a cure. Be vigilant, and be prepared!
>> Click to Know: World Hepatitis Day 2022
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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