Care Insurance
  • Published on 8 Dec, 2023

    Updated on 5 Mar, 2025


    5 min Read

Each year, 12,000 people in India are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases and cancers. For some, a bone marrow transplant is the only treatment option, capable of curing over 75 different diseases. This procedure uses the patient’s own cells to infuse healthy blood-forming stem cells into their body, replacing unhealthy bone marrow that does not produce enough blood cells. The first successful procedure was performed by Dr. E. Donnall Thomas in 1956 on a child with leukemia.

What is Bone Marrow?

Bone marrow is where all blood cells are produced. The soft tissue inside bones, called marrow, is where blood cells originate, mature, and are stored before entering the bloodstream. In children, bone marrow is found in long bones, while in adults, it's located in shoulder bones, hip bones, the skull, ribs, spine, and breastbone.

Stem cells, also known as parent cells, reside in the marrow and can transform into various blood cell types: white blood cells (which fight infections), red blood cells, and platelets. Yellow bone marrow stores fat, while red bone marrow stem cells develop into platelets and white and red blood cells.

What is Bone Marrow Transplant?

BMT or bone marrow transplant replaces damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy stem cells. During (BMT), these versatile stem cells are harvested and used to repopulate and regenerate the blood cells in individuals undergoing treatment for various blood-related disorders.

Need For A Bone Marrow

Certain illnesses or treatments can damage the bone marrow, necessitating a replacement. A bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a treatment for many types of cancer and other diseases. High-power radiation and chemotherapy can damage the bone marrow, making a transplant essential.

Diseases Curable With BMT

A bone marrow transplant may be a treatment option for the following diseases:

  • Diamond-Blackfan anemia
  • Essential thrombocytosis
  • Ewing sarcoma
  • Fanconi anemia
  • Germ cell ovarian cancer
  • Lymphomas
  • Leukemias
  • Severe aplastic anemia
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
  • Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)
  • Medulloblastoma
  • Myelofibrosis
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Polycythemia vera
  • Testicular cancer
  • Thalassemia
  • Immune deficiency disorders
  • Some solid-tumor cancers (in rare cases)

Types of Bone Marrow Transplant Procedure

Bone marrow transplant procedures can be categorised into two main types: autologous and allogeneic. Let's explore each type:

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant

In an autologous BMT, the patient's own bone marrow cells are used for the transplant. Before the procedure, the patient's healthy stem cells are collected and stored. After chemotherapy or radiation, these stored cells are reintroduced into the patient's body to regenerate healthy bone marrow.

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant

The second type of BMT is the allogeneic transplant. This procedure involves obtaining bone marrow cells from a suitable donor whose tissue type closely matches the recipient's.

Finding a compatible donor, often a family member or an unrelated volunteer, is crucial for the success of an allogeneic transplant. If you are seeking a bone marrow transplant donor, there are reputable, reliable, and government-approved agencies you can contact to register yourself or the patient.

Bone Marrow Transplant Donation

The bone marrow donation process typically begins when an individual volunteers to become a donor. Donating bone marrow usually doesn't cause significant pain and can potentially cure someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder. When healthy stem cells cannot be obtained from the patient's own body, a healthy family member may become a bone marrow transplant donor.

What are the Advantages of Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant can provide the following benefits:

  • Regenerate a new immune system to combat any remaining cancer cells after chemotherapy.
  • Replace diseased or non-functioning bone marrow with healthy marrow, potentially restoring normal bone marrow function.
  • Treat certain diseases, including leukemia and lymphoma.

What Are The Risks and Survival Rates for Bone Marrow Transplant?

Survival/success rates for bone marrow transplants typically range between 60% and 90%. These rates vary significantly based on several factors, including the recipient's age, overall health, the condition being treated, the type of transplant, the disease stage, and other medical considerations.

In recent years, the survival rate for bone marrow transplants has significantly improved due to advancements in transplantation techniques, supportive care, and donor matching. It's important to have realistic expectations and discuss all concerns with a doctor. A medical professional experienced in bone marrow transplants can provide more accurate and personalized information based on individual circumstances and the patient's specific condition.

BMT carries a significant risk of complications and risks as mentioned below-

  • Organ damage
  • Infections
  • Cataracts
  • Infertility
  • Stem cell (graft) failure
  • New cancers
  • Death

Bone Marrow Transplant Side Effects

As a major surgical intervention, you need to be aware of the side effects of bone marrow transplants. You may be at risk of:

  • Dropped blood pressure
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Chills

Bone Marrow Transplant in India

Bone marrow transplants in India play a crucial role in offering a lifeline to individuals grappling with a spectrum of blood disorders and cancers. Given the country's notable prevalence of such conditions, a bone marrow transplant often represents the primary hope for a potential cure.

Despite the pressing need for these transplants, securing compatible donors poses a substantial challenge in India, primarily due to the vast and diverse population. Another issue is the bone marrow transplant cost in India. On average, the cost ranges from INR 15 lakhs to INR 40 lakhs.

Bone Marrow Transplant and Health Insurance

While several health insurance providers offer coverage for bone marrow transplants, the coverage can vary based on the insurer, policy terms, and the specific circumstances surrounding the transplant procedure. With Care Health Insurance, you can find a number of health insurance plans that offer coverage for hematopoietic stem cells for bone marrow transplants.

As bone marrow transplant costs in India are very high, it is best recommended that you are well aware of the policy inclusions and exclusions. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind:

  • When it comes to bone marrow transplants, the treatment and services can be varied. Make sure to check with your insurance providers about all the costs that will and will not be covered.
  • For the bone marrow transplant, your insurer may require you to get a pre-authorisation done
  • Make sure that the hospital you are planning to choose comes within the network of your health insurance provider.
  • ertain coverage limitations may come with a bone marrow transplant procedure plan. making you bear some out-of-pocket expenses. Because the treatment costs are so high, the sum insured may not be sufficient to cover the entire procedure. Be prepared.

Let’s Wrap It Up!

A bone marrow transplant is a pivotal medical procedure offering hope and healing for individuals battling various life-threatening conditions. It is a form of modern medicine's fight against various debilitating diseases. The bone marrow transplant procedure aims to replenish the body's ability to make healthy blood cells, and help in recovery from various serious conditions.

With the cost of treatment so high, it might not be easy for everyone to afford it without proper insurance coverage. With the increasing incidence of such diseases, choosing adequate coverage is essential more than ever. Care Health Insurance offers a lot of options for you to choose from. Go through the most suitable plans and choose one that is best suited to your needs.

>> Also Read: Importance of Calcium for Optimal Health and Wellness

Disclaimers:The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

  • Need Assistance? We Will Help!

  • Q. How difficult is a bone marrow transplant?

    BMT is a complicated five-stage process: examination, harvesting, conditioning, transplantation, and recovery.

    Q. How long is the hospital stay after a bone marrow transplant?

    It depends on the patient’s condition, and a stay of 30 to 60 days is usually required.

    Q. Is bone marrow transplant 100% successful?

    No. The success of BMT depends on the type and stage of disease.

    Q. Is bone marrow transplant painful?

    The patient is awake during the procedure and may feel discomfort or pain. Donors may experience soreness, tiredness, weakness, or nausea for a few days.

    Q. Who cannot donate bone marrow?

    People with heart disease, cancer, bleeding disorders, brain injury, liver disease, hepatitis and asthma can’t donate bone marrow. Also, an individual who has an autoimmune disease affecting the whole body like multiple sclerosis, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis is not the right choice.

    Q. Is life normal after a bone marrow transplant?

    It takes time to recover and live a normal life after a bone marrow transplant. The quality of life can be regained after some time.
