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Published on 2 Dec, 2019
Updated on 22 Feb, 2025
2 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
We are constantly exposed to disease-causing germs - whether during the morning walk, at public washrooms or while using the escalator railings. In fact, your mobile phone carries a lot of bacteria. You do realize, now, how relevant TV commercials are that promote good hand-washing habits and health care.
Our body's immune system comprises of special cells, organs, and antibodies that actively fight off these germs and allergens present in the environment. When the immunity becomes low, this is the time when the body becomes susceptible to infections and diseases. Sometimes, when the immune system attacks the body, it causes autoimmune disorders like type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
A healthy diet that is packed with proteins helps in boosting immunity. Moreover, spices in your kitchen like turmeric, mustard, ginger, coriander, etc. have excellent immunity-boosting properties.
Read below to know some foods that are powerful immunity boosters.
Citrus fruits such as Oranges, Lemon, Grapefruits, Citrus Limetta or Mausambi are great sources of Vitamin C that helps in the growth of white blood cells. Eating healthy fruits will protect you against the common cold, flu, and infections. Also, Papayas are loaded with Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin B and Folate which is good for health.
Always remember to wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them.
Broccoli and Cabbage is a green vegetable that is rich in Vitamin A, C, and E, Minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These are great additions to your diet for the sake of your immune system.
Red bell peppers are the vegetable alternative for citrus fruits and have high amounts of Vitamin C. They also contain beta carotene which is good for the eyes, skin and immune system. Colorful vegetables including carrots and sweet potato are good beta carotene sources too. Spinach is another green leafy vegetable that you should pick as it gives your body the required Vitamin C, antioxidants and beta carotene.
The Ginger-Garlic combination that you add in your everyday meals is working to build your immunity. Garlic contains sulfur related compounds that give it the necessary immune-boosting qualities.
Turmeric is another magic food item with anti-inflammatory properties that keeps you safe from many illnesses. For many Indian families, turmeric-flavored milk has been the go-to solution for treating common cold and sore throat.
Tulsi (Basil) leaves is another miracle food item with excellent medicinal and healing properties that provides relief from respiratory problems like asthma, fever, etc.
You can find immunity-boosting properties in many other food ingredients such as honey, mustard, black pepper, and almonds.
Probiotics are the good bacteria present in various fermented foods and yogurt that help your body fight against illnesses. Yogurts also have Vitamin D that is needed for regulating the immune system.
Proteins in the form of sprouts or meat enhance the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight off diseases. Sprouts are fermented foods are low on calorie content that aid in augmenting metabolism and immune functions.
Insuring your health with the Mediclaim policy supports you by covering your medical expenses. However, what is even more important is to follow a healthy routine encompassing a good diet plan, exercises, minimizing stress and sound 8-hour sleep that will keep your immune system strong and prevent an attack from germs or viruses.
A medical emergency can lead to significant loss of savings and thus health insurance plans for family work as a financial cushion.
Find more about the best health insurance plan and make the right choice through Care Health Insurance.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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