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calendar_monthPublished on 7 Aug, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 27 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Senior citizens are now getting adaptable to technology and mobile applications. Earlier, calculating a health insurance premium was a daunting task for them. But, it's a nippy zippy now with the help of a health insurance premium calculator. It is an online tool available on our official website. The health insurance policy premium for senior citizens is subject to age and pre-existing diseases. The more you age, the more premium you need to pay. After retirement, it becomes difficult for older people to bear the expenses for their ongoing treatment. However, a health insurance policy gives them the financial cushion and helps them get the best healthcare with dignity.
If you are in your twilight years and looking for health insurance, premium plays an important role. Let's find out how it is essential:
Calculating the premium for your health insurance policy is no more a tedious task. You can use a health policy premium calculator available online. Read below its benefits:
Below are the steps to calculate the premium within in few minutes.
There are below several factors that affect the health insurance premium:
Age: Age is the most crucial factor affecting your health insurance premium. The older you get, your premium starts increasing. It means you need to pay a higher premium when you need health insurance the most.
Pre-Existing Disease: Your premium may vary if you have any medical history or pre-existing disease.
BMI: It is the ratio between your height and weight. If you are unhealthy, you may have various diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart ailments, etc. As a result, your premium amount is also higher.
Tobacco/Smoking: If you smoke or consume tobacco, it also increases your mediclaim premium.
Therefore, a health insurance premium calculator gives you an estimation of mediclaim insurance costs. It shows you how to opt for health insurance that offers you maximum coverage but does not overburden your after retirement financials. Care Health Insurance brings you Senior Citizen Health Insurance. It is specifically designed for senior citizens. You can calculate its premium online and pick it as per your health care needs. It covers your healthcare expenses and gives you the freedom to live a healthy and noble retirement life.
>> Also Read How to Calculate Your Health Insurance Monthly Premium?
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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