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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Sep, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Severe sinusitis is one of the common health problems that often does not respond to antibiotics, medications, or therapy. Thankfully, balloon sinuplasty is here. It is one of the advanced forms of treatments that do not require extended hospitalization and can perform under daycare. So, here you can read what balloon sinuplasty, how it works, and its benefits are. Let's start:
It is an innovative and catheter-based advanced procedure with a small thin tube and a balloon at the end. It helps the sinus sufferers to breathe easier through allergy season and year-round. It is a minimally invasive painless surgery, has no cutting or loss of nasal tissues or bones, and has a fast recovery rate. It has become the surgery of choice by ENT specialists for sinusitis.
Under balloon sinuplasty, doctors insert a thin tube called a catheter with a balloon at the end and forcibly widen blocked nasal passages. After that, they flush out or remove congestion with a saline solution. It opens all the major nasal sinuses that enable patients to breathe smoothly. It lessens problems such as headache, jaw ache, insomnia.
This procedure helped preserve healthy nasal tissues, mucous membranes, and structure. Here are its significant benefits:
Safe-Balloon Sinuplasty procedure is safe and straightforward, and effective in treating sinusitis.
Minimally Invasive -The catheter and the balloon used in the process are small, soft, and flexible that enter easily through the nostrils without damaging any tissue or bone removal.
Quick Recovery Time-The recovery time varies from patient to patient. However, people recover quickly and get back to their everyday lives within a week.
Day Care Procedure-It's usually a daycare procedure, where patients need to stay in the clinic lesser than 24 hours.
It is an advanced breakthrough surgical techniques to cure sinusitis. In India, ENT specialists prefer balloon sinuplasty to cure sinusitis. It is an endoscopic procedure help to restore the normal drainage of the sinuses. There is no need for operation theatre, and it can perform under local anesthesia. It eliminates the stress of being in operation theatres. This type of sinuplasty is technically similar to balloon angioplasty used for heart treatment. However, the costs of such daycare procedures are not less in India. They are effective and have a fast recovery rate. But, at times it happens, people do not prefer it because of the hospital charges.
So, if you are looking for the best health insurance policy that cover day care procedures, opt for Care. It is a comprehensive health policy offered by Care Health Insurance. It covers major chronic and critical illnesses, including advanced treatment like balloon sinuplasty (subject to policy terms and conditions). It gives you a financial cushion and safeguards your and your family's health.
>> Also Read: Understanding the Symptoms and Treatment for Allergies
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Balloon Sinuplasty is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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