Care Insurance
  • calendar_monthPublished on 23 Aug, 2024

    autorenewUpdated on 9 Jan, 2025

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    nest_clock_farsight_analog5 min Read

Who’s wrong?

Shivi feels sad, as she wants her parents to attend PTM and play Uno after she is done studying.

But she falls asleep before her parents reach home. Her mother, Seema, shares her daughter’s sadness. She has been working hard to complete her work targets. The situation mirrors Rajesh, Shivi’s father, whose boss wants him to stay late and work on weekends, too.

From Shivi’s perspective, her parents are not giving her enough time. Conversely, her parents feel they are going all out to provide enough time for Shivi, from reading parenting tips online to reaching out early at home.

A working parent's life is demanding. They have to balance obligations to family and careers constantly. However tricky as it may seem, you may get the elusive parenting and work-life balance with a bit of forethought & effort. Below are nine tips on balancing work and family with proper planning. Take a look!

9 Helpful Tips for Working Parents

Given below are some of the valuable tips for working parents to manage their hectic work, life and parenting responsibilities efficiently:

1. Start Using a Planner

This is one of the best ways to balance work and parenting. Use a planner or calendar to note significant events, just as a work calendar helps you stay informed. These could include a medical visit, a PTM, a birthday celebration, a school's annual function, etc.

Not only will this help you avoid missing out on significant events, but you will also feel more in control. You can also sync the Google Calendar to your mobile device. This way, you and your partner can stay in sync and devise a solution to handle routine conflicts.

2. Organise Your Day and Duties

Organising oneself is the best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Spending 30 minutes the night before, for instance, on tiny chores that can cause trouble in the morning when you are pressed for time might make a big difference.

Additionally, assign responsibilities and check out the next day's to-do list. If you have a trouble-free morning, the rest of your day will go smoothly.

3. Schedule a Fun Family Time

Incorporating interactive games and activities into family time can make families feel happier and more connected. Outdoor activities, board games, or puzzles can promote good humour, healthy competition, and teamwork. These activities can enhance your children's social, communicative, and problem-solving skills while making them happier and more content.

4. Prioritise Quality Time

Setting aside a significant amount of time for your family is essential, even with a busy schedule. Create a space where all family members can unite and form a strong bond.

Introduce activities that initiate a conversation. These moments strengthen the bonds within your family and instil a sense of love, value and affection in your children.

5. Choose a Trustworthy Childcare

Selecting a reliable daycare centre is crucial for working parents. Make sure you look through finely and visit multiple childcare options. Consider factors like trained staff, safety, and child-engaging activities.

A good child facility will give your kids a safe, educational, and developing environment while you can focus on your work duties.

6. Engage Your Partner

If you are handling different parenting responsibilities alone, involve your partner in them. Delegate the responsibilities. Divide the household tasks, and try to arrange your plans in a fulfilling way for both of you.

In case you have to travel on a business trip for 2 days, your partner needs to be present to do your part of the tasks back at home. This goes vice versa. In this manner, you will have far more mental and physical room to fulfil your obligations without hampering your parenting balance.

7. Talk to Your Boss

Talk to your manager and devise a workable solution. More than ever, companies are acknowledging flexible shifts.

Companies no longer think that options like remote work negatively impact the overall workforce and productivity. Asking your boss for options like remote work, flexible hours, and more can help you build an ideal work-life balance.

8. Continue to Communicate

Working parents often feel sad that they cannot spend sufficient time with their kids. However, this problem must be addressed creatively. Make small efforts, like quickly calling your child or getting on a video chat over your lunch break. The child may grow to feel connected with you and be delighted to share the day's events with you after returning from school.

Hearing your child's happy voice can provide a much-needed boost during a busy workday, reminding you of the joys of parenthood.

9. Make Your Children Accountable

Involving children in routine duties promotes a sense of community and accountability. In other words, assign them tasks that are appropriate for their age. This may include putting their toys in their boxes, watering plants, or feeding pets.

By involving children in these small activities, you are cutting off your workload and encouraging and creating room for the family members to work together. It also teaches them valuable life skills and instils responsibility at an early age.

5 Parenting Tips for Single Parents

Parenting is a full-time job, and it’s hard for single parents to entirely own the responsibility. We are giving top tips for coping with being a single parent.

1. ‘You’ are an Added Responsibility

A single parent’s responsibility is not doubled but quadrupled. You also need attention physically and emotionally, so managing the self is essential to manage them well. Focus on your well-being first. Any emotional blockages in case of the death of a loved one need healing; many single parents neglect their personal emotional healing, which passes on to their children in some way. For any physical ailment, get proper treatment and buy family health insurance to avoid sudden expenses.

2. Know About Government Schemes

The Indian government supports single mothers through various social welfare schemes. You can avail yourself of educational scholarships, financial aid, housing subsidies, and more. It will help build a foundation for your mind to focus on work without worrying.

3. No Hesitation

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Everyone needs the support of family and friends. Call your best friend more often to speak your heart out. Socialise without overthinking and embrace your quirks. It will help you in effective parenting.

4. Know Your Child’s Rearing Concerns

You need to be attentive to shifts in your child’s behaviour and screen time. It becomes your duty to create a social environment for them and build a positive relationship with your child.

5. Choose Positive Parenting Tips

To implement positive parenting strategies, lay boundaries and set rules to regulate your children. Your thoughtfulness and unconditional love can build your child’s character and self-esteem. Spend quality time together and live a life with a solution-oriented mindset.

Wrapping Up!

While many women can create a working mother's work-life balance, it is challenging for all. At the same time, it is not impossible. Small actions can go a long way and have a massive impact on restoring a sense of order to your life. Even though finding a balance may seem insignificant, the overwhelming feeling that working parents may be experiencing is often dreadful. Sometimes, many parents question their parenting and consider themselves failed parents.

However, delegating responsibilities and asking for help does not define you as a parent. Ultimately, what matters is how skillfully you balance work and parenting without giving up on the bare minimum. As long as you keep doing things that keep your family together, besides being healthy yourself (mentally and physically), you are doing an excellent job at maintaining a perfect work-life balance. Kudos to you.

Additionally, while balancing everything to be in place, don’t forget to invest in family health insurance to protect your family and your savings during a health emergency. For more information, connect with our experts and get yourself insured.

Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.

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  • Need Assistance? We Will Help!

  • Q. How do parents balance the responsibility of work and home?

    Create a schedule of tasks, prioritise accordingly, share the load, and don’t try to be perfect. Stay positive and healthy.

    Q. How to be a working mom?

    The best parenting advice for a working mom is to set boundaries professionally, divide responsibilities and build a support system for a smoother life.

    Q. Can a single mother work full-time?

    With proper childcare arrangements, household chores divided, and emotional well-being taken care of, single mothers can work full-time.

    Q. Is single parenting stressful?

    Two parents may divide the stress better, and a single parent has to tackle all types of challenges themself.

    Q. What is the biggest issue with single parenting?

    Lack of support, financial instability and stress are significant issues with single parenting.
